Saturday, July 27, 2024

Tag: Scottish Road Races 2010

Stokes Storms the Sandy Wallace Cycles 50 mile road race

Junior, Jordan Stokes of Pedal Power took an easy sprint win in Sunday's Sandy Wallace Cycles 50 mile road race around a bright but blowy Redcraigs Toll circuit. Second was 'oldie but goody' Callum Gough (Onimpex RT) with Lindsay Gordon (Musselburgh) rounding out the podium. The start village of Wellwood near Dunfermline gave us The Skids lead singer, Ricky Jobson and Barbara Dickson - and on Sunday it gave us sunshine for the fifth Super Six 'B' race of the season.

Dan Fleeman Does the Sam

Thursday 11:00 pm and the Giro is just a memory. Reality, work, bills and the Transit; tomorrow, Dan Fleeman is coming up for the Sam Robinson - best grab some sleep. Friday 07:00 am - where am I?

Robert Hassan – Looking Forward to the Next Premier

A third place in last Sunday's Drummond Trophy alerted us to 18 year old Robert Hassan's form, so we thought we better have a word. His dad introduced him to cycling five years ago, initially mountain biking, and has mentored him ever since then, with Robert getting more into the road scene as he turned Junior a couple of years ago...

Evan Oliphant – 2010 Drummond Trophy Winner

The 2010 edition of the Drummond Trophy saw Endura's domination of the domestic road racing scene march on with a 1-2 for Evan Oliphant and James McCallum; and only a determined Robert Hassan kept Ross Creber off the podium and prevented an Endura whitewash.

Callum Macgregor – organiser of the Duncan Macgregor Memorial

Last weekend saw the Duncan Macgregor Memorial road race take place in Fife. The race almost didn't happen, so we thought we'd ask organiser, Callum Macgregor what the story was.

At Random

Le Tour de France 2016 – Stage 4; Saumur – Limoges. Kittel Out-Powers the Rest

"Ja!" Screams Marcel Kittel (Etixx) as he leaps back to his feet and cuddles his soigneur after sitting on the tarmac with his head buried in his elbows to await the verdict from the photo finish technicians - he has every right to be chuffed, he’s just won Stage Four of the 2016 Tour de France. In theory it should have been one for the smaller sprinters - 600 metres @ 4% to the finish line - not a beast like Kittel but he was the man producing most watts.

Graeme Gilmore – Part of ‘the Blue Train’ in the Golden Era of Six Days

The Six Days of Amsterdam kicks off next week, the first race of the 2014/15 winter season. The programme until Christmas makes sad reading with few ‘names’ in Amsterdam; tales of crooked promoters souring things there and in Rotterdam; possibly the last race in Grenoble - and it's down to just three day; Zürich only four days and only Gent going from strength to strength.

Scottish Hill Climb Championship 2022; Louis Moore and Sharon Bird Take the Honours

Vanelli-Project Go's Louis Moore, the newly crowned student champion, won the Scottish Hill Climb Championship on a long and difficult Glen Quaich course, the first 5k of the narrow strip of tarmac which connects Kenmore to Amulree in the Southern Highlands.

Le Tour de France 2006 – Day 2: Prologue Parcours Recce, Strasbourg

I walked in to the press room this morning and one of the guys from French radio told me that Ulrich and Sevilla were gone - sent home by T-Mobile due to their involvement in Operacion Puerto, the Spanish drugs bust. Le Tour de France 2006.

World Road Championships 2012 – Day One, Arrival in Valkenburg

The beer's not cheap on Grotestraat in Valkenburg, at two Euros a pop, but with Dario G's 'Sunchyme' banging out, you can't complain. It takes me to Copenhagen and the 'balustrade sprints' at the Six Days. But that's not 'til next year - and we still have this year to put to bed.

Ponferrara World Road Championships 2014 – Juniors & Women. Jonas Bokeloh & Pauline Ferrand-Prevot

I hate to keep moaning about these Worlds, but ... There's no way you can get from the two K to go sign at the foot of the final descent and up onto the climb. Barriers, tapes, police, volantarios (volunteer janitors) - grim! A man who can't walk the course ends up in too many bars.