Saturday, July 27, 2024

Scottish 25 Mile Time Trial Championship 2015 – Peter Murdoch Takes Gold


HomeRaceRace ResultsScottish 25 Mile Time Trial Championship 2015 - Peter Murdoch Takes Gold

On a windswept day for the strong of leg and heart on the Ayrshire coast it was last year’s silver medallist, ‘fresh’ from that toughest of races, the RAS, Peter Murdoch (Neon-Velo Cycling Team) who’s 52:13 was 22 seconds too quick for deposed reigning champion, Iain Grant (Fullarton Wheelers) and 49 seconds faster than bronze medallist and another former ’25’ champion, Arthur Doyle (Dooleys).

Peter Murdoch
Peter Murdoch, the new Scottish 25 Mile TT Champion. Photo©Martin Williamson

VeloVeritas was there from the first youth to Iain Grant as last man…

The A78 Sunday morning; 08:45, it’s grey, cool and breezy as we wait on the youths at the wee bit complicated ‘bottom’ turn.

It’s the classic ‘fit man’s morning’ on the dual carriageways of the Ayrshire coast.

Peter Murdoch
Our first spot is a slip off, loop round and back over affair. Photo©Martin Williamson

A difficult course to find ‘scenic’ shots on, but that’s the nature of the ‘drag strip’ course so beloved of time triallists – dual carriageway, wide, exposed, rolling gently and fast.

Peter Murdoch
Thomas Deas. Photo©Martin Williamson

Here’s our first rider, Thomas Deas, (Highland Bikes Racing Team), he get’s round the unmarshalled turn with no fuss and is gone with the tail wind.

Gavin Laffoley (Fife Century) was off #1 but comes through third – we’d learn later from his mum that he’d missed his start.

We’ve all done it !

Peter Murdoch
Gavin Laffoley. Photo©Martin Williamson

The ladies – many of whom come into the left hander over-geared and don’t bother to look right – have a cold wind to contend with.

In between pictures our hands are in out pooches – chilly!

Emily Middleton (Deeside) is one of the early starters and gets on the podium with 1:02’10”.

Peter Murdoch
Emily Middleton. Photo©Martin Williamson
Peter Murdoch
Toni McIntosh. Photo©Martin Williamson

Number 34, Toni McIntosh (Ayr Roads) gets it right though with second place in 1:01’27” and does look for traffic at our junction – she’s not a girl for the high cadences though; rolling a ‘big one’ back to meet the dual carriageway.

Peter Murdoch
Lynsey Curran. Photo©Martin Williamson

Last girl #35 Lynsey Curran (Dooleys) looks good, fast round the bend and immediately back into her stride, not ‘bogged down’ on the gear as many of the girls have been, she wound up the Ladies’ Champion with 59’38”.

Peter Murdoch
Janet Erskine. Photo©Martin Williamson
Peter Murdoch
Lynne Wardrop. Photo©Martin Williamson

The men – Gordon McNeil (Dumfries CC) ‘warms the tar’ on what is now a Baltic morning.

Peter Murdoch
Gordon McNeil. Photo©Martin Williamson

Jocky Johnstone (Icarus), Albert McLennan (Glasgow Couriers) – ‘oldies but goodies’ both.

Time for a move, we’re frozen.

Peter Murdoch
Jocky Johnstone. Photo©Martin Williamson
Peter Murdoch
Albert McLellan. Photo©Martin Williamson

Back up the ’78 to the top turn – you can see your two minute man on these wide tarmac prairies.

The wind is sore but it’s dry and the sun is out.

Round the turn, park up, another photo op for Jocky and Albert.

Peter Murdoch
Jocky Johnstone. Photo©Ed Hood

It’ll be fast here, big tail wind to blow them down to the last dog leg.

At the top end of the course it doesn’t seem as cold; the traffic count is rising – not to English TT course levels but busy enough.

No one’s white-lining that we observe, all keeping well tucked into the kerb for now.

Peter Murdoch
Davie Miller. Photo©Martin Williamson

We’ve decided to keep on the move the is morning – at least ’til the late starters go – to mix up the photo composition and find new vantage points; we don’t have a stopwatch on anyone yet so it’s hard to say who’s ‘on it’ but #65 Andrew Underwood (Glasgow Wheelers) looks tidy to us.

Peter Murdoch
Andrew Underwood. Photo©Martin Williamson

And #70 Graeme Cockburn’s (Nightingale) disc is making the right noises (for an eventual 54:55) – he was top six in the ’10’ champs and is smooth over the tar as the sun decides to warm us for five minutes.

Peter Murdoch
Graeme Cockburn. Photo©Martin Williamson

Peter Ettles (Sandy Wallace) is off 80 and on top of the job, as usual.

Peter Ettles. Photo©Martin Williamson

John McCrory #87 (Glasgow United) impresses with his tidy style on that lovely Giant Trinity.

Peter Murdoch
John McCrory. Photo©Martin Williamson

Next seed up is Dooley’s Sean Gray, he passes north-bound but not south-bound – puncture? mechanical? alien abduction?

Peter Murdoch
Allan Mill. Photo©Martin Williamson

Alan Mill (Sandy Wallace) is the next ‘ten marker’ and is getting it round nicely with the ‘taily’ which is rising and falling in strength as the morning goes on.

Time to move on to the last dog-leg and the headwind finish.

Very sore.

Iain Binning. Photo©Martin Williamson

They’re flying out to the last turn on the other side of the dual carriageway but it’s bitter battle back into a stonewall headwind.

We can get the tailgate up here, a seat and shelter from the wind – this is a better deal !

Alan Mill passes us again; he’s getting the job done, boring a hole in the wind – he’s caught and dropped his seven minute man.

Peter Murdoch
The traffic builds. Photo©Martin Williamson

The traffic count is high, here – artics churn up the air and there’s a steady stream of cars.

Peter Murdoch
Tony Scott. Photo©Martin Williamson

Tony Scott (Loudon) off #109 looks good to us but there are big gaps in the field – and where are all the roadside spectators?

Tam Gordon. Photo©Martin Williamson

Tom Gordon (Fullarton) is looking mean into that cool headwind; if we step out of the shelter of the van, it’s chilly.

Peter Murdoch
Gavin Shirley. Photo©Martin Williamson

Gavin Shirley (Dooleys) looked strong on the way out with the tailwind and is holding it well on the way back – but we don’t put Mark Skilling (Icarus) too far away from him.

Mark Skilling. Photo©Martin Williamson
Peter Murdoch
Jim Cusick. Photo©Martin Williamson

The ‘Bigs’ start to pass outbound – Jim Cusick (Dooleys) but no Gary Robson.

Alan Thomson (Sandy Wallace Cycles), Stephen Williamson (a3crg) – a new name for us…

Alan Thomson. Photo©Ed Hood
Peter Murdoch
Stephen Williamson. Photo©Ed Hood

Ben Peacock (Billy Bilsland), Arthur Doyle (Dooleys) – flying, no Silas Goldsworthy, last year’s silver medallist Peter Murdoch and he’s looking mean.

Ben Peacock. Photo©Ed Hood
Arthur Doyle. Photo©Martin Williamson

Just ‘The Champ’ Iain Grant to come; it seems finely balanced between him and Murdoch just on ‘visual.’

Peter Murdoch
Iain Grant heads for the final turn. Photo©Martin Williamson

Jim Cusick fights the wind back to us, we zero the watch on him.

Alan Thomson has four minutes to get to us to be level – 03:03 says the digital watch; he’s 57 seconds up on Jim.

Williamson has to be here on 05:03 to level with Thomson.

The watch runs by the mark, 05:44; he’s 41 seconds down on Thomson.

Peter Murdoch
Stephen Williamson. Photo©Martin Williamson

7:03 is Ben Peacock’s mark to be up on Thomson – it’s gone, Thomson continues to lead.

07:54 it is for Peacock.

Peter Murdoch
Ben Peacock. Photo©Martin Williamson

Doyle, 08:49, he goes top by 14 seconds – he looked good on the way out.

Peter Murdoch
Arthur Doyle. Photo©Martin Williamson

Murdoch’s mark is 12:49 to go level with Doyle – he looked very strong with the tail wind.

The traffic count is high as Peter Murdoch powers past – 11:58 to go top.

Peter Murdoch
Peter Murdoch. Photo©Martin Williamson

Grant has two minutes to get to us; he’s down, 22 seconds.

Peter Murdoch
We make Iain 22 seconds down on Peter with around a mile to go. Photo©Martin Williamson

Out impressions on the way out are confirmed back at race HQ – Peter Murdoch wins, Iain Grant is second and Arthur Doyle in third.

Peter Murdoch
New 25 Champion Peter Murdoch. Photo©Martin Williamson

You come out of the An Post Rás at a different level,” the winner explained to us, continuing; “eight days in the gutter on a 54 x 11 at 35 mph does so much for your condition!

We hope to carry a full interview with Peter Murdoch this week; meanwhile, Martin’s got 1,000 pictures to edit – best get up that road !

Ciao, ciao.

Results - Scottish 25 Mile TT Championship 2015

Youth and Junior Result

1 Kyle Johnston East Kilbride Road Club 2nd 00:58:18:000
2 Thomas Deas Highland Bikes Racing Team 4th 00:59:31:000
3 Ryan Glasgow Glasgow Nightingale CC 3rd 01:05:08:000
4 Gavin Laffoley Fife Century RC N/A 01:10:38:000 0
5 Ruairidh Brown Glasgow Cycle Team 4th 01:14:43:000
6 Sarah Bradford Johnstone Wheelers Cycling Club 3rd 01:16:35:000

Womens' Result

1 Lynsey Curran 2nd 00:59:38:000
2 Toni McIntosh Ayr Roads Cycling Club 3rd 01:01:27:000
3 Emily Middleditch Deeside Thistle CC 2nd 01:02:10:000
4 Lynne Wardrop Ayr Roads Cycling Clu 4th 01:03:58:000
5 Kirsty Anderson Billy Bilsland Cycles 4th 01:04:07:000
6 Laura Nicolson Moray Firth Cycling Club 3rd 01:04:18:000
7 Janet Erskine Ayr Roads Cycling Club 4th 01:04:59:000
8 Sandra Tulloch Leslie Bike Shop/Bikers Boutique 4th 01:05:00:000
9 Catherine Logan Walkers Cycling Club 4th 01:05:54:000
10 Lorna Ferguson Glasgow Green Cycle Club 2nd 01:05:56:000
11 Aileen Clyde Fullarton Wheelers N/A 01:06:15:000
12 Mhairi Duff Dumfries CC N/A 01:06:32:000
13 Gillian McNeil Dumfries CC N/A 01:07:08:000
14 Elizabeth Henry West Lothian Clarion CC N/A 01:09:11:000
15 Ruth Fraser-Moodie Pedal Power RT 4th 01:12:07:000
16 Isobel Fletcher VC Glasgow South 3rd 01:14:49:000
17 Sarah Bradford Johnstone Wheelers Cycling Club 3rd 01:16:35:000
18 Jennifer Nicol Fullarton Wheelers N/A 01:21:59:000


Chloe Fraser Team Rytger


Valerie Martin
Nicola Smith Lomond Roads CC Did not start
Katie Wylie Falkirk Bicycle Club
Cathy Wyse

Mens' Result

1 Peter Murdoch Neon-Velo Cycling Team Elite 00:52:13:000
2 Iain Grant Fullarton Wheelers 3rd 00:52:35:000
3 Arthur Doyle 3rd 00:53:02:000
4 Alan Thomson Sandy Wallace Cycles 3rd 00:53:17:000
5 Stephen Williamson a3crg 4th 00:54:00:000
6 Benjamin Peacock Billy Bilsland Cycles 3rd 00:54:10:000
7 Tony Hay Highland Bikes Racing Team 3rd 00:54:11:000
8 Mark Skilling Icarus Racing 3rd 00:54:16:000
9 James Cusick N/A 00:54:25:000
10 Barry Wilson Billy Bilsland Cycles 3rd 00:54:47:000
11 Kenneth Armstrong Ayr Roads Cycling Club 3rd 00:54:50:000
12 Graeme Cockburn Glasgow Nightingale CC N/A 00:54:55:000
13 Gavin Shirley 3rd 00:55:07:000
14 Thomas Gordon Fullarton Wheelers 4th 00:55:09:000
15 Peter Ettles Sandy Wallace Cycles 2nd 00:55:34:000
16 Ewan Taylor Velocity 44 Stirling 4th 00:55:38:000
17 Kenneth Darling Kelso Wheelers 4th 00:55:46:000
18 Chris Stewart Classic Racing Team 2nd 00:55:51:000
19 Joseph McMillan Synergy Cycles 3rd 00:56:00:000
20 Allan Mill Sandy Wallace Cycles 3rd 00:56:02:000
21 Andrew Underwood Glasgow Whls 4th 00:56:04:000
22 Andrew Scott Musselburgh RCC 4th 00:56:12:000
23 Alan Holmes Paisley Velo Race Team 3rd 00:56:17:000
24 Stephen Davidson Sandy Wallace Cycles 4th 00:56:23:000
25 Angus Wilson Dundee Thistle RC 4th 00:56:29:000
26 Martin Wilson VC Glasgow South 4th 00:56:29:000
27 Callum Finlayson Moray Firth Cycling Club 3rd 00:56:36:000
28 Graeme Hay Stirling Bike Club 4th 00:56:42:000
29 Tony Scott Loudoun RC 4th 00:56:49:000
30 Alan Holms Inverclyde Velo N/A 00:57:25:000
31 Andrew Dobinson Glasgow Green Cycle Club 4th 00:57:26:000
32 Neil Muir Royal Albert CC 4th 00:57:27:000
33 Gordon Stead Fullarton Wheelers 4th 00:57:31:000
34 David Beattie Hawick CC 3rd 00:57:39:000
35 Gavin Dempster Glasgow Green Cycle Club 2nd 00:57:40:000
36 Colin Stevenson Kelso Wheelers 4th 00:57:48:000
37 Frank Anderson West Lothian Clarion CC N/A 00:58:03:000
38 David Millar Scottish Veterans Time Trial As N/A 00:58:18:000
39 Brian Sproul Dundee Thistle RC 3rd 00:58:19:000
40 Steve Macluskie VC Glasgow South 3rd 00:58:33:000
41 Drew Sharkey TheBicycleWorks N/A 00:58:35:000
42 Andy Cowie Highland Bikes Racing Team 4th 00:58:46:000
43 Scott Glasgow Glasgow Nightingale CC 4th 00:58:46:000
44 Brian Muir Royal Albert CC N/A 00:58:49:000
45 Andrew McGhee Glasgow Couriers N/A 00:58:59:000
47 James Hall Rock And Road Cycles 3rd 00:59:10:000
48 Keith Anderson Pro-AM Racing Club 4th 00:59:15:000
49 Andrew Isherwood Peebles CC 4th 00:59:24:000
50 Stewart Gordon Dunfermline CC N/A 00:59:35:000
51 Calum Hume Ayr Roads Cycling Club N/A 00:59:36:000
52 Gary Bratt Lomond Roads CC N/A 00:59:44:000
53 Allan Ross Lomond Roads CC N/A 00:59:45:000
54 Paul Friel Glasgow Road Club 4th 00:59:46:000
55 Greg Quinn Deeside Thistle CC 4th 00:59:55:000
56 John McCrory Glasgow United CC 3rd 00:59:57:000
57 Cameron Scade Dumfries CC N/A 01:00:06:000
58 Graham Barclay Leslie Bike Shop/Bikers Boutique 3rd 01:00:08:000
59 Steven Brennan Pro-AM Racing Club 4th 01:00:12:000
60 Alan McCaffrey Highland Bikes Racing Team 4th 01:00:16:000
61 Ian Anderson Walkers Cycling Club 4th 01:00:19:000
62 Douglas Kirkham Musselburgh RCC N/A 01:00:22:000
63 Gordon Mcneil Scottish MTB Leaders As. N/A 01:00:24:000
64 Brian Nicol Fullarton Wheelers N/A 01:00:24:000
65 Joseph Shaw Falkirk Bicycle Club 3rd 01:00:29:000
66 Allan Duncan 4th 01:00:33:000
67 Frederick Connor VC Glasgow South 4th 01:00:34:000
68 David Baird Walkers Cycling Club 4th 01:00:53:000
69 Stuart Garner Dumfries CC N/A 01:01:28:000
70 Charles Vincent Walkers Cycling Club 3rd 01:01:36:000
71 Graham Jones Edinburgh RC N/A 01:01:45:000
72 Andrew Spruce Sandy Wallace Cycles 4th 01:01:52:000
73 Alastair McGibbon Ayr Roads Cycling Club 4th 01:01:59:000
74 Mark Dryburgh Ross-Shire RCC 4th 01:02:04:000
75 Brian Cameron Lomond Roads CC 4th 01:02:11:000
76 Scott Hancock Musselburgh RCC N/A 01:02:41:000
77 Paul Hornby Glasgow Ivy CC 4th 01:02:51:000
78 Allan Crosbie Pedal Power RT 4th 01:02:59:000
79 Gordon Dick Lomond Roads CC N/A 01:02:59:000
80 Brian McGhee RC Cumbernauld & Kilsyth 3rd 01:03:06:000
81 Alistair Mcintosh 01:03:06:000 0
82 Mike Ferguson Johnstone Wheelers Cycling Club N/A 01:03:08:000
83 Iain Cowden Johnstone Wheelers Cycling Club N/A 01:03:29:000
84 John Cummings Deeside Thistle CC N/A 01:03:32:000
85 Ian Woolcott 01:03:46:000
86 William Macdonald N/A 01:04:04:000
87 Alexander Macphee 01:04:22:000
88 Grant Young 01:04:40:000
89 Robert Kelly Ayr Roads Cycling Club 4th 01:04:41:000
91 Martin Shields Walkers Cycling Club N/A 01:05:07:000
92 Alan Solway Kennoway RC N/A 01:05:08:000
93 Steven Smith Royal Albert CC 4th 01:05:08:000
94 Iain Binning Stirling Bike Club N/A 01:05:32:000
95 Alan Thomson Johnstone Wheelers Cycling Club N/A 01:05:43:000
96 John Johnstone Icarus Racing 3rd 01:06:10:000
97 Derek Skinner Fullarton Wheelers N/A 01:06:40:000
98 Albert McLellan Glasgow Couriers N/A 01:08:18:000
99 Alan Rutherford St Christopher’s CC N/A 01:08:26:000
100 Alexander Douglas Pro-AM Racing Club 4th 01:08:38:000
101 Barrie McCutcheon N/A 01:10:34:000
102 Derek McMillan St Christopher’s CC 3rd 01:11:29:000
103 Robert Shennan Johnstone Wheelers Cycling Club N/A 01:12:05:000
104 Angus Wilson Dundee Thistle RC 4th 01:13:20:000
105 David Mitchell N/A 01:15:42:000


John Anderson Glasgow Road Club
Sean Gray
Hyland Hamilton Glasgow Couriers
Kevin Lackie Moray Cycle Racing Team
Andrew McKinlay Ayr Roads Cycling Club


William Bunyan Dunfermline CC
Paul Gibson Ayr Roads Cycling Club
Silas Goldsworthy Sandy Wallace Cycles
Gordon Graham Fullarton Wheelers
Andrew Prenelle Icarus Racing
Gary Robson Peebles CC
Gregory Seymour Synergy Cycles
George Shanley Kinross CC
Robert Simpson
Norman Skene Velocity 44 Stirling

Ed Hood and Martin Williamson
Ed Hood and Martin Williamson
Ed and Martin, our top team! They try to do the local Time Trials, the Grand Tours and the Classics together to get the great stories written, the quality photos taken, the driving done and the wifi wrestled with.

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