Saturday, July 27, 2024

Murray Hall – the Aussie British Madison Champion


HomeInterviewsMurray Hall - the Aussie British Madison Champion
Murray Hall
Aussie stalwart, Murray Hall.

Back in 1972 when Edinburgh’s Meadowbank Velodrome was still a thing of beauty and not kindling-in-waiting, the British Madison Championships were held there.

I’d been reading about the Six Days over the winter and wanted to see for myself what a ‘chase’ was really like.

The field was meagre but I remember being fascinated by the tactics, technique and speed.

The men who won that day were the young Australian rider, Murray Hall – then riding for Croydon Premier – and his compatriot, Tom Moloney.

Back then Aussies could contest British titles if they were in a UK club; until the Archer Road Club became a virtual Australian colony, the men from Down Under began to Hoover up too many titles and the BCF changed the rules.

We caught up with Murray recently during our researches about the Six Day races of old – he has a good tale to tell.

Tell us about the Archer Road Club connection please, Murray.

“There was a connection between Stuart Benstead – who was the man behind the Archer – and myself that began when I first arrived in London in 1972.

“I’m not sure what it was but we saw a lot of each other around the racing circuit of that era; Herne Hill, Crystal Palace, Paddington and the other London and South East venues – we got on well.

“As other Australians arrived, Archer-Cutty Sark – as everyone referred to it – became a bit of a de facto Australian club.

“Stuart was supportive of us all and we returned the favour with good results.

“When we cleaned up at the British track championships in 1974 the BCF moved to exclude foreigners from competing in their National Championships (they had a point).”

Murray Hall
New British Champion Murray (L) and the dominant Aussie-loaded Archer – Cutty Sark club.

What was it like arriving in London with a suitcase and a bike?

“Not easy but when I first arrived in London as an 18 year but there was no looking back.

[Hall had to put to the back of mind what many may have seen as a portent – the crash of a British European Airways, Hawker Siddeley Trident airliner near the town of Staines, killing all 118 people on board just an hour before he landed from Australia. ed.]

“I had two phone numbers in my pocket, if neither had answered it would have caused me some stress but I would have survived, there was no option.

“As it turned out the Brotherton family who were living in Slough answered the phone and offered me a bed ‘til I found my feet.

“I had no back up funds so my attitude was that of a professional, train hard, race well and earn enough to live off. It sounds easy when you say it fast but it was a week to week challenge and I had the frame of mind to do it.

“Also, as an Australian used to long distances between events I wasn’t afraid to travel and I would chase races, going to Leicester or even Edinburgh to throw the leg over the bike.”

What was the dream?

“That was uncomplicated; I just wanted to be a good bike rider.”

Where did you stay in London?

“After I found my feet and way around London I moved out of the Brotherton family home and moved in above Geoffrey Butlers shop in Croydon and that became my base for quite a while.

“I remain grateful to George Clare [ex-Scottish international rider who ran the GB business and whose frames were ridden by many of the top track men of the era. ed.] who allowed me to stay there.”

Murray Hall
Murray takes a sprint at Paddington track.

What were your best results in the UK?

“I won British championships in the Team Pursuit & Madison.

“And I won a heap of races around the circuit – Herne Hill, Paddington, Crystal Palace, Portsmouth, Brighton…”

Tell us about Gary Wiggins, he was a contemporary, wasn’t he?

“I knew Gary really well, he and Dave Sanders turned up in England a year or so after me.

“We travelled a lot together and obviously rode the same races.

“At that point in the mid 1970’s I wouldn’t have said he was going to finish on the Six Day circuit, I didn’t at that time see that in him.

“But when I returned to Australia, he stayed on and persevered. He found his legs a couple of years later. He was a hard case but a likeable bloke and we got on well. I’ve no doubt that Wiggins set up Maurice to race the Christmas Carnivals in Australia 78-79. I can hear the conversation now; ”Pack your bags Mo, were going to Australia”.

“It would have been as simple as that and a testimonial to the Wiggin’s – Burton relationship.”

Murray Hall
Murray with the Thorbury Cup, won at Brighton.

You had two Commonwealth Games silvers – tell us about those.

“The Poms [I believe this refers to our English cousins, ed.] had won a bronze medal at the Munich Olympics in ‘72 in the team pursuit; so in ‘74 we were only ever going to finish second – they walked all over us in the final.

“In the Ten Mile Scratch race I knew most of my opposition well, especially the Poms.

“Steve Heffernan who took the gold was already a good mate of mine and he got away by himself at some stage. In the sprint to the line I was running him down at ten to one but he held on for a half a wheel win.

“I was thrilled to get on the dais as my parents were in the back straight.”

You had some nice results on the continent but chose to go back to Australia – why?

“The only regret I have from cycling is that I didn’t stay on or return.

“I had the same opportunity as Wiggins and Maurice regarding the Six Day races and I’d already ridden the amateur events in London, Ghent, Brno and Grenoble so I was setting myself up OK at the time.

“I had moved back to Ghent at the start of winter because I could train on the track there but I was agitated living with some other Australians in Kazzematten Straat [a rather insalubrious low rent area of Ghent, ed.] and the summer season in Australia looked more appealing.

“Dave Sanders had the same idea and we jumped on the same plane home. Back in Australia life was a bit easier, I could work and race and the passion to return faded away.”

And you had Six Day wins of your own…

The Launceston Six Day race in Tasmania; twice with Dave Sanders.”

Murray Hall
Murray takes a sling on his way to the British Madison Title – much to the consternation of the BCF.

You were 14 years a pro – that’s a long career.

“As I got older and a bit slower on the track I took on the road with more intent and I was lucky enough to have been successful in both disciplines.

“I won my last Open Elite Aussie championship when I was 39 years old – the team pursuit – I’m fairly proud of that.”

Murray Hall
Murray presents an award to u19 World Champion Sam Welsford. Photo©Mal Matthews.

What did you do after you stopped racing – and today?

“I had about five years out, family, work – the usual stuff.

“Then my eldest son started racing as a 12 year old and I was straight back in the door as an administrator!

“For the last 15 years I’ve been the Chairman of Track Cycling Western Australia and my passion has been promoting the track (Speeddome) in Perth – from kids’ sessions, adult entry level courses, school programs, ladies-only nights, Institute of Sport programs, corporate sessions and of course our racing program.

“We race ever Friday night during the summer and about every third week during the winter. The track is used every day of the week and I challenge any other venue in the Southern Hemisphere that is doing as much for the discipline of track cycling as we are here.

“Our Grand Prix events carry the largest track prize money in the world. At our last GP we paid out $20,000 during the one night event.

“When it comes time for me to hand over the reins I hope the development of track cycling in Perth will be seen as my legacy to the sport.”

Murray Hall
Stephen, Murray’s son is moving his successful racing career to the States.

And your son has picked up the baton, now?

“It’s a massive thrill as a parent to have your kids follow the sport bloodlines and my number three son Stephen is living the dream at the moment.

“Last year he rode for Bianchi – Lotto and this year has made a deliberate change in direction and will ride for Predator in America.

“He’s also established himself as a credible track rider having been on the dais regularly at Aussie titles and UCI cat 1 events.

“I’m enjoying his racing as much as he is!”

Ed Hood
Ed Hood
Ed's been involved in cycling for over 50 years. In that time he's been a successful time triallist, a team manager and a sponsor of several teams and clubs. He's also a respected and successful coach and during the winter months was often working in the cabins at the Six Days for some of the world's top riders. Ed remains a massive fan of the sport and couples his extensive contacts with an inexhaustible enthusiasm for the minutiae and the history of our sport. In February 2023 however, our dear friend and beloved colleague Ed suffered a devastating stroke and faces an uncertain future; Ed has lost his ability to speak, to read, and has lost movement on the right side of his body. He's working with speech and physical therapists on rehabilitation, but all strokes are different and each patient responds differently, so unfortunately recovery is one day at a time. Ed ran his own business installing windows, and will probably not be able to work again. Please consider joining us to make a contribution to Ed's GoFundMe page to help stabilise and secure his future.

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