Saturday, July 27, 2024

Time for R&R, and some Thank You’s


HomeJournalsTeam Wiggins Pro Dan PattenTime for R&R, and some Thank You's

My 2012 season began way back on the 19/02 and with my final race on the 14/10, it is finally time to relax, reflect and look ahead to the rest of 2012, 2013 and beyond! Writes Dan Patten.

Dan Patten
Celebrating with the traditional flowers.

There have been ups and there have been downs (expected as a cyclist) but the good times always outweigh the bad.

All in all I took three wins this year, one overall classement win, and three further podium placings amongst other top 10’s.

As always I lived up to my reputation of riding aggressively, attacking at every opportunity and helping to get the Soenens Construkt Glas colours out front in the bike race.

As well as this I again got to show this year my selfless side as a cyclist, helping my fellow teammates all in the name of the team performance.

All proving that satisfaction in this sport dosn’t just simply come from winning alone, but giving 100% on the road!

Dan Patten
On the front – this happened a lot.

In case you missed them, here are a couple of videos of breakaway action this year:

[vsw id=”44242512″ source=”vimeo” width=”615″ height=”450″ autoplay=”no”]

[vsw id=”HdNMDf5KsvQ” source=”youtube” width=”615″ height=”450″ autoplay=”no”]

Dan Patten
I made it into quite a few breaks this year.

And so to some credits for 2012.

Firstly I would like to thank everyone at Cycling Team Soenens Construkt Glas for your support this year.

It’s been a great year riding with and representing this team!

Dan Patten
Jumping my companions!

To my coach/trainer/therapist Luc Wante, who has been the one responsible for my successes this year by again keeping my body in great working order week after week for the duration of the season.

Dan Patten
Thanks to all who have helped me out this season.

To the Dave Rayner Fund and the Grays Public Purposes and Recreational Charity for their financial support this year.

I am so grateful for your support and you have made this year possible. And never taken for granted…

I of course continued racing hard from start to finish in the chase of prize money on the kermesse circuit!

Dan Patten
I love my keremesse racing.

To other individual sponsors and helpers who supported me in one way or another with equipment/products.

This includes Blair Morgan and Paligap for continued support with ‘Cycleops’ Power equipment.

To Allen Bridge who helped me out with ‘CNP’ nutritional products and to James White Drinks for support towards ‘Beet It’ products.

Dan Patten
All the support, whether financial or practical, is greatly appreciated.

To Martin and Ed here at VeloVeritas for continuing to support me in my cycling career and continuing to publish my blog.

Dan Patten
Soenens Construkt Glas has been a terrific team for me this season.

And finally (last but not least!) to all my family and friends for the continued support.

So many people to mention by name, but of course my parents and brother and everyone else that has followed, been part of and supported me this year. I’m sure you know who you are – it means everything!

Dan Patten
And so time to put the feet up for a bit… the future awaits!

Until next time, Dan Patten.

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