Saturday, July 27, 2024

Auchencrow Thistle Hilly TT – “Up The Cleugh”


HomeRaceRace ResultsAuchencrow Thistle Hilly TT - "Up The Cleugh"

Aidan McIlroy (Auchencrow Thistle) backed up his great ride in the recent Gordon Arms time trial to win his own club’s promotion, the: hilly TT – “Up The Cleugh”.

Second was Gary Robson, and third Jon Kelly, visiting from the north of England.

Auchencrow Thistle
Aidan McIroy (Auchencrow Thistle), winner of his own club’s hilly time trial.

Auchencrow Thistle Result

1 00:42:22 Aidan McIlroy (Auchencrow Thistle) Senior
2 00:42:29 Gary Robson (The Edge RT) Senior
3 00:43:25 Jon Kelly (GS Metro) Senior
4 00:43:44 Neil Milton (Auchencrow) Thistle Vet
5 00:44:25 Michael Mallen (GS Metro) Senior
6 00:44:48 Andy Mathieson (Musselburgh RCC) Vet
7 00:44:59 David Caesar (Bicycle Works) Senior
8 00:45:01 Andrew Rowat (Musselburgh RCC) Senior
9 00:45:17 John McDowall (ERC) Senior
10 00:45:28 Donald Smith (Auchencrow Thistle) Vet
11 00:46:28 Ian Easingwood (Berwick Wheelers) Senior
12 00:46:29 Neil Tait (Auchencrow Thistle) Senior
13 00:46:44 Ian Pearson (Gala CC) Vet
14 00:46:58 Peter Simpson (Berwick Wheelers) Senior
15 00:47:01 Chris Adamson (Musselburgh RCC) Vet
16 00:47:14 Derek Timmins (Musselburgh RCC) Senior
17 00:47:32 Paul Tiggerdine (Glasgow Couriers) Vet
18 00:48:24 Kevin Tait (ERC) Vet
19 00:48:38 Frank Morris (GS Metro) Senior
20 00:49:34 Colin McEvoy (ERC) Vet
21 00:50:27 Colin Russell (ERC) Vet
22 00:50:57 Kevin Locke (Berwick Wheelers) Vet
23 00:52:39 Graham Jones (ERC) Vet
24 00:52:59 Richard Guy (GS Metro) Senior
25 00:55:17 Sebastian Szulc (Auchencrow Thistle) Senior
26 00:58:28 Andrew Mallen (GS Metro) Senior
27 01:00:42 James Hogg (GS Metro) Senior
DNF Dave Pritchard (Kelso Wheelers) Vet

Auchencrow Thistle totalled 02:11:34
00:42:22 Aidan McIlroy
00:43:44 Neil Milton
00:45:28 Donald Smith

Martin Williamson
Martin Williamson
Martin is our Editor and web site Designer/Manager and concentrates on photography. He's been involved in cycle racing for over four decades and raced for much of that time, having a varied career which included time trials, road and track racing, and triathlons. Martin has been the Scottish 25 Mile TT and 100 Mile TT Champion, the British Points Race League Champion on the track, and he won a few time trials in his day, particularly hilly ones like the Tour de Trossachs and the Meldons MTT.

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