Saturday, July 27, 2024

Scottish Road Race Championships 2021


HomeRaceRace ReviewsScottish Road Race Championships 2021

We used to have Brian Blessed as the voice on the satnav. Today however, on our journey north to watch the Scottish Road Race Championships 2021 it was Daffy but even with our little American Black Duck guiding us it’s a fair old hike from Peebles to Bridge of Alford.

From the Cairn o’ Mount to the circuit is lovely countryside; great for the bike with very little traffic. 

We just missed the finish of the ladies’ race atop Suie Hill but got straight to work; a chat with 2021 Scottish Road Race Champion, Ms. Becky Storrie, Brother UK-Cycle Team OnForm.

Photo©Martin Williamson

But not before the vintage tractors had trundled past – happens all the time at the Italian Nationals.

Becky Storrie is the Scottish Road Champion for 2021. Photo©Martin Williamson

Becky’s race covered less than two laps of the circuit – of which more later – but included two ascents of the stiff Suie Hill climb;  we started by asking her about the brevity of the race.

“Yes it’s a pity it’s such a short race but on the other hand I think that idea is to attract more girls to ride, not putting them off with a long distance.”

And the winning move?

“I put a dig in first time up the hill with the idea of getting clear with the two Beths, Maciver and Morrow, that’s how it played out but I was surprised that we were reeled in, so I realised that I’d have to put in an even bigger hit the second time up – and that’s what I did.”

And next up?

“I have a National B race tomorrow and I’m hoping that the ladies’ RAS  in Ireland goes ahead – and I’m looking forward to the British  National Champs, which are incorporated in the Lincoln GP, I like that hill on the finishing circuit…”

The two Beths did indeed finish second and third with Beth Maciver (Torvelo Racing) second and Beth Morrow (Storey Racing) third.

Scottish Road Race Championships 2021
Beth Maciver (l) (Torvelo Racing) was second and Beth Morrow (r) (Storey Racing) took the bronze. Photo©Martin Williamson

Best Junior was fourth across the line, Morven Yeoman (Tofauti Everyone Active). 

Scottish Road Race Championships 2021
Morven Yeoman was fourth, a great result for a Junior who had to ride restricted gearing. Photo©Martin Williamson

For the record, three non-starters, 24 started and 23 finished on this unforgiving parcours.

* * *

The Circuit

Robbie Brown of the race organisers, Spokes RT has put a lot into the race calendar this season, indeed this event was the 14th race the team has organised in Scotland this year!

There has been only been one other road race or criterium not organised by Spokes RT this season, the Ben Forsyth Criterium which was run by the Edinburgh Road Club.

Rolling through lush farmland out of Bridge of Alford through Montgarrie to Keig and then a fast descent to quiet Auchleven, left on a narrow, gnarly, recently-resurfaced road through Leslie past the Garioch Aero club grass landing strip, to hang a left and ‘bang!’ into Suie Hill.

It’s a belter, steep early with a hairpin then not quite so savage but at two kilometres long, a tough climb.

The descent is fast and not technical with a good opportunity for those who have less fear than the rest to make up lost time before starting the next lap.

Scottish Road Race Championships 2021
The view from Suie Hill. Photo©Martin Williamson

But does every race really have to have a ‘killer’ climb like Suie which destroys the field early in the day?

Perhaps – we’re not race organisers, after all…

* * *

Lap One

It’s lovely, bright sunshine on the hairpin and three are away and well clear; Messrs. Davie Lines (Wheelbase Cab Tech Castelli), Aidan Quinn (Dooleys Cycles) and Jason Roberts (Vanelli – Project Go). 

Scottish Road Race Championships 2021
Photo©Martin Williamson
Scottish Road Race Championships 2021
Photo©Martin Williamson
It’s steep. Photo©Martin Williamson

Two are chasing in ‘no man’s land’; Alastair McNicol (Dooleys) and Ray Wilson (Ryan’s Bike Surgery) with a face-pulling peloton not so far behind.

Scottish Road Race Championships 2021
Photo©Martin Williamson
Ray Wilson. Photo©Martin Williamson
Scottish Road Race Championships 2021
Eventual winner David Duggan looked relaxed in the middle of the bunch. Photo©Martin Williamson

Already there’s major damage been done.

Scottish Road Race Championships 2021
Photo©Martin Williamson

* * *

Lap Two

We’re just past 500 metres to go to the summit finish on an idyllic afternoon with panoramic views over the North East countryside.

Davie & Co. haven’t managed to build on their lead, in fact Monsieur Lines is last man standing and about to be consumed by a hungry if rather depleted peloton.

Scottish Road Race Championships 2021
Davie Lines about to see the end of his exploits – or was he?! Photo©Martin Williamson

Pants, gasps and the ‘clack’ of upshifts as the gradient eases are the sound track for the bunch.

Scottish Road Race Championships 2021
The bunch is showing the effects of Suie Hill. Photo©Martin Williamson

Dooleys men McNicol and Quinn have gone from the front of the race to the rear; ‘c’ést finis’ Alastair tells me as he heads for the last few hundred metres and the sweet, cool air of the descent.

I can but agree with him, ‘Oui!

Scottish Road Race Championships 2021
Fraser Gault would end the day in 9th place. Photo©Martin Williamson
Photo©Martin Williamson

Napoleon’s retreat from Moscow follows them with last man on the road, Iain Fisher (Ayr Roads CC) staring fixedly at that yellow flag.

Iain Fisher rode doggedly but was an eventual DNF. Photo©Martin Williamson

VeloVeritas editor, Martin had disappeared up the hill perhaps looking for roadkill we can roast on the cylinder head or maybe he’s trapping in the woods?

[I was in fact chatting to Evan Oliphant about his current role with Scottish Cycling, memories of Road Championships past – and unpaid race prizes and the reasons why! ed.]

Evan Oliphant won this race many times in his career and is now the Endurance Coach for Scottish Cycling, so he had plenty to take on board today. Photo©Martin Williamson

* * *

Lap Three

To use a George Galloway word [apologies. ed.], the ‘indefatigable’ Monsieur Lines is still to the fore, as are Ewan McDougall (Perth United), Conor McKinnon (Dolan Ellesse Race Team) and Davie’s Wheelbase team mate, David Duggan.

Scottish Road Race Championships 2021
Ed captures Ewan McDougall at the head of affairs. Photo©Martin Williamson
Conor McKinnon. Photo©Martin Williamson
Scottish Road Race Championships 2021
Eventual winner David Duggan starts to show himself. Photo©Martin Williamson
Scottish Road Race Championships 2021
Davie Lines keeps in touch with the first three up Suie Hill. Photo©Martin Williamson
Photo©Martin Williamson
Richard McDonald. Photo©Martin Williamson

The ‘boonch’ as Sean would say was right behind with things complicated by lapped riders in the mix.

Scottish Road Race Championships 2021
Andy Bruce. Photo©Martin Williamson
Gavin Dempster went on to finish in bronze medal position. Photo©Martin Williamson
It’s what we would call a ‘proper sprakle’ now. Photo©Martin Williamson

We moved back down the hill to avoid the dreaded, ‘all their fotiez look the same’ curse. 

It’s quiet, hardly a car passes, just the lambs bleating, bees buzzing and rooks having a chat. 

Jamie Mackenzie went on to finish a fine 11th. Photo©Martin Williamson

The Scottish Cycling Twitter feed tells us that man Lines, Duggan and Gavin Dempster (Torvelo Racing) are clear with Andy Bruce (Vanelli-Project Go) in pursuit.

We’ll see the race through here then head back to the top for the final.

* * *

Lap Four

Dempster and Duggan have 15 seconds on Lines who informs us that “the other two aren’t being fair to an old guy”…

Gavin Dempster leads David Duggan. Photo©Martin Williamson
Davie Lines still has the energy left to share a joke. Photo©Martin Williamson

We hope Davie gets a medal but whatever happens he’s our ‘man of the match’ for sure.

Andy Bruce. Photo©Martin Williamson

Andy Bruce ‘en seule’ was @ 1:55 then Thomas Gelati (Kelpie Racing) @ 2:55 with Finn Crockett leading the small group which was now the peloton – a strange one with him having two Wheelbase team mates up the road.

Thomas Gelati. Photo©Martin Williamson

Albeit Evan Oliphant reckoned that he was riding hard because he’d seen that race favourite Cameron Richardson was struggling.

The SC Twitter feed later confirmed that Richardson had, in fact been dropped.

Finn Crocket at the head of the bunch. Photo©Martin Williamson

* * *

The Finish

Blazing sun and a cool breeze, ideal conditions for heat stroke.

‘Double D’ as they call Mr. Duggan in these parts, wins in the classic manner; alone, hands aloft. 

Scottish Road Race Championships 2021
David Duggan wins the Scottish Road Race Championships 2021 in fine style. Photo©Martin Williamson

Second over the line was late charging Alex Gibb (Spokes Racing Team) taking silver and third  was Gavin Dempster (Torvelo Racing).

Scottish Road Race Championships 2021
Alex Gibb. Photo©Martin Williamson
Scottish Road Race Championships 2021
Gavin Dempster just ahead of Finn Crockett. Photo©Martin Williamson
Lee Rosie took sixth. Photo©Martin Williamson
Tom Merry, sixth. Photo©Martin Williamson
Andy Bruce finished seventh whilst always having a smile for us on the climb. Photo©Martin Williamson

Our ‘man of the match’ Davie Lines tied up on the last lap to finish 13th, but as Gianni Savio of Androni would say he, ‘honoured the race.’

Davie Lines ‘got it all out’. Photo©Martin Williamson
Our ‘Man of the Match’, Davie Lines. Photo©Martin Williamson

We bolted before the prize presentation, those ‘Lang Scots miles’ south to the Borders to get done, but we got a picture of the winner’s jersey, which we rather like.

Photo©Martin Williamson
David Duggan is congratulated by friends and rivals on a great ride. Photo©Martin Williamson

We hope to bring you an interview with the winner soon – and isn’t it nice just to see racing on Scottish roads again?

* * *

Scottish Road Race Championships 2021 Results

Ed Hood and Martin Williamson
Ed Hood and Martin Williamson
Ed and Martin, our top team! They try to do the local Time Trials, the Grand Tours and the Classics together to get the great stories written, the quality photos taken, the driving done and the wifi wrestled with.

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