Saturday, July 27, 2024

Alexander Kamp takes the Tour de Yorkshire Stage 3 into Scarborough


HomeRaceRace ReviewsAlexander Kamp takes the Tour de Yorkshire Stage 3 into Scarborough

A wall of sound greeted Alexander Kamp as he sprinted to a nail-biting victory on the third stage of the Tour de Yorkshire.

Scarborough’s North Bay provided a dramatic finish location for the fifth year in succession, and as the waves crashed onto the coastline, a crescendo of noise also erupted as a vastly reduced peloton raced onto the closing straight.

Alexander Kamp
Alexander Kamp, second left, takes an exciting sprint win. Photo©

It was Alexander Kamp (Riwal Readynez Cycling Team) and Chris Lawless (Team Ineos) that went toe-to-toe on the seafront, with Kamp emerging triumphant by less than half a wheel length.

Lawless’s disappointment at being denied the win was quickly tempered however when it emerged he had moved into the overall race leader’s jersey sponsored by Yorkshire Bank.

Although the duo are level on time, Lawless tops the standings on count back, with defending champion Greg Van Avermaet (CCC Team) just six seconds behind in third place overall.

Alexander Kamp

With the event moving into the weekend, the number of roadside spectators according to the police swelled to a whopping 660,00 people across the men’s and women’s races; incredible given the blustery conditions.

Those fans were treated to a feast of world-class cycling as well with Marianne Vos (CCC Liv) romping to overall victory in the Asda Tour de Yorkshire Women’s before Kamp followed in her tyre tracks.

Robert Scott (Team Wiggins) will wear the best climber’s jersey sponsored by LNER on Sunday’s final stage after a solid performance on today’s five categorised ascents, while Boy Van Poppel (Roompot – Charles) will keep the best sprinter’s jersey sponsored by Asda warm for Lawless as the Team Ineos rider tops both the points and general classification.

John Archibold (Ribble Pro Cycling) meanwhile, will don the most active rider jersey sponsored by Dimension Data after he won a live Twitter poll at @letouryorkshire.

Alexander Kamp

Welcome to Yorkshire’s Commercial Director Peter Dodd said: 

“That was wet, wild and windy out there today but the crowds were unbelievable. The weather never dampens the Yorkshire spirit and it was great to see so many children on the roadside again.

“These races are inspiring that next generation and changing people’s lives, and our vision of Yorkshire becoming the cycling capital of Europe is well on the march.

“I drove from Bridlington to Scarborough with Christian [Prudhomme] today and he commented how our event has truly come of age.

“I can’t stress enough how proud we were to witness the pride and passion of the people; the knitting of bunting, the land art… sometimes you’ve just got to pinch yourself and we’re showing the world how much this event means to communities across the county.

“Both races demonstrated some really tough racing. The intensity and drama over those closing stages was a major win for Yorkshire and we were treated to some world-class cycling.”

Stage winner Alexander Kamp said: 

“It was hard in the crosswinds but my team did a terrific job and I had some power left to finish it off at the end with a good sprint.

“I didn’t think too much and went with my instinct, and luckily I won.

“It was a fantastic victory and I’m in good shape so hopefully I can still be in contention tomorrow.”

Race leader Chris Lawless said: 

“I’m a bit disappointed about not winning the stage, and credit goes to Alexander Kamp, but anyway it’s always nice to be leading the race and this is a bonus for us.

“Tomorrow is a hard stage and I’m going quite well but I’m a sprinter, not a climber, and we’ll have to see if it’s beyond what I can do.

“I’ll try my best to go until the end and we’ll see how it goes.”

Alexander Kamp

Brief Results

  1. Alexander Kamp (Den) Riwal Readynez Cycling Team        3:23:24 
  2. Christopher Lawless (GBr) Team Ineos                    
  3. Greg Van Avermaet (Bel) CCC Team                         
  4. Rasmus Tiller (Nor) Dimension Data                         
  5. Scott Thwaites (GBr) Vitus Pro Cycling p/b Brother UK

General Classification after stage three

  1. Christopher Lawless (GBr) Team Ineos    10:38:15              
  2. Alexander Kamp (Den) Riwal Readynez Cycling Team                        
  3. Greg Van Avermaet (Bel) CCC Team         0:00:06 
  4. Andreas Nielsen (Den) Riwal Readynez Cycling Team        0:00:10 
  5. Scott Thwaites (GBr) Vitus Pro Cycling p/b Brother UK    

Full results and information on the Tour de Yorkshire and Asda Tour de Yorkshire Women’s Race can be found at

Martin Williamson
Martin Williamson
Martin is our Editor and web site Designer/Manager and concentrates on photography. He's been involved in cycle racing for over four decades and raced for much of that time, having a varied career which included time trials, road and track racing, and triathlons. Martin has been the Scottish 25 Mile TT and 100 Mile TT Champion, the British Points Race League Champion on the track, and he won a few time trials in his day, particularly hilly ones like the Tour de Trossachs and the Meldons MTT.

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