Saturday, July 27, 2024

Inside the Berlin Six Day 2017 – the Final Three Nights


HomeDiariesInside the Berlin Six Day 2017 - the Final Three Nights

The wee small hours of Wednesday morning, heading north out of Berlin, en route Rostock, the ferry across the Baltic and Denmark for the Copenhagen Six Day.

I wish I could say that Berlin had an epic finale – but I can’t, it was dire.

Processional, flat, uninspired with no tension, no theatre, no drama.

Kris reckons it’s the worst Six Day he’s ever seen – he’s seen many, many more than me and I wouldn’t argue with his judgement.

The root of the problem is that in the Madison Group Six Days the riders are on reduced contract fees with the rest of their earnings in prize money.

‘Fair enough’ I hear you say.  Trouble is that it’s not – because the riders are all busy trying to hold their place in the standings it breeds very negative racing.

No one will make a move because they think; ‘what’s the point, we’ll get closed down?

The essence of Six Day racing is the taking of laps, that’s what the crowd pay to see – in the last 30 minutes of racing there was a grand total of two laps taken.

It’s not what the ticket-holding Six Day public pay to see.

Berlin Six Day 2017
The Berlin Six Day 2017 podium. Photo©Ed Hood

But congratulations to Wim Stroetinga and Yoeri Havik, they deserved their win – the first Dutch winners since Slippens & Stam in 2006.

Day 4

‎I always console myself that I’ll feel better as the day goes on; my feet hit the linoleum paint, my nose is full of dust, my feet hurt, my legs ache and my back twinges – and that’s before we deal with the dreams.

Berlin Six Day 2017
Our work environment. Photo©Ed Hood

‎Epics which pick up where they‎ left off after i’ve been up to go to the loo – if only I could remember them.

But they’re damn scary.

‎I hobble up to the track get the wi-fi, edit my pictures, drink whatever I can get my hands on then head back down to sort out the clothes before a shower and breakfast.

‎What was all that fuss about? ‎I feel great!

‎And now there are three Scots in the hall; Kris, me and –  Katie Archibald.

Berlin Six Day 2017
Katie Archibald. Photo©Ed Hood

‎Our Olympic Champion is here for the three day ladies’ race‎, first up was a scratch race; Katie initiated the four girl break which lapped the field but young Danish world road champion Amalie Dideriksen was just too quick for her.

Berlin Six Day 2017
Imhof and Marguet keep cool. Photo©Ed Hood

‎The chase was short, just 20 minutes with Suisse Marguet and Imhof winning – and not a slipping seat post in sight.‎

‎The organisers have put sprint points in every 10 laps to try and enliven the chases – many of which have been ‘average.’

‎It did strike me was that what they’d created was a madison points race but what do I know?

Berlin Six Day 2017
Marc Hester. Photo©Ed Hood

‎Derny race – I push off Marc Hester on number one, a joy, no one in the way or to keep up with.

‎It’s a long afternoon with big spells where our boys aren’t on the track – but what’s that smell?

‎Smells like roasted Lycra laced with sweat?

‎The dryer!


‎There’s stuff been in there for an age – it’s so hot I burn myself on the zips.

‎Keep up, Ed!

Berlin Six Day 2017
Katie Archibald is the centre of attention. Photo©Ed Hood

‎‎Ladies again and ‘our Katie’ rides it beautifully to get the flowers at the end of the De’il [Elimination race to some. ed].

‎But she needs to get tips from Nate, he celebrates more than that for finish‎ing last!

Berlin Six Day 2017
The workers. Photo©Ed Hood

‎And now a presentation for the support staff – very thoughtful but I bow out to take the pictures.

‎Derny Race number two and I think I’ve ducked it – good job.‎

‎Last chase?

Can’t remember…

Day Five

Mushroom and ham omelette for breakfast, it’s like a four star hotel.

There’s schoolboy, junior and girls racing in the afternoon, I work away on the laptop ’til all the mums’ and dads’ iPhones swamp the wi-fi.

They play some good tunes in the afternoon; Bob Sinclar; ‘Love Generation – love it, the first time I heard that was in Iljo Keisse’s dad’s bar, De Karper on the Sunday night after Iljo won his first Ghent Six with Matt Gilmore.

Berlin Six Day 2017
The Berlin Six Day 2017 wasn’t a classic edition. Photo©Ed Hood

The programme is pretty desperate tonight, basically one chase to start, one to finish – inbetween there’s a Derny for the first eight teams on the classement so we’re safe there, only other event is the “longest lap.”

Do I have to explain this?   [YES! Editor]

Well, one rider from each team lines up on the back straight and they ride slowly round to the start line then pop a standstill.

But they can’t cross the line, one by one they can’t hold the stand still or get bored and ride off.

Eventually the gun fires and those still there have to wind it up from their stand still and charge for the line, one lap later.

What’s that?


Anyway, those races apart there’s just sprinting and girls’ races.

Berlin Six Day 2017
Katie Archibald in the De’il Tae the Hindmost. Photo©Ed Hood

On the subject of which, ‘our Katie’ wins again in the scratch but gets the chop in the De’il – and just when I’d got me camera settings right.

Berlin Six Day 2017
Max Levy. Photo©Ed Hood

Levy was impressive in the time trial again, 12.830 to win.

Berlin Six Day 2017
The GB duo rode well. Photo©Ed Hood

The GB boys were very impressive too in the first chase, they might just make the podium – and we have a new team; Lampater/Beyer with the withdrawal of their respective partners Kalz and Grasmann.

But hey! What’s happening, the place is going crazy – Nate’s won a race!

Berlin Six Day 2017
Nate Koch. Photo©Ed Hood
Berlin Six Day 2017
Nate loves Berlin. Photo©Ed Hood

One thing, that dude knows how to milk it complete with ‘I Love Berlin’ T-shirt.

Great entertainment.

Derny – and I’ve ducked pushing off again.

The track cabin is a Marie Celeste job, just me, the drier and the pee pails.

Sympathy for the Devil‘ battles with the Derny drone – good version of the tune, pity about them damn wee motorbikes.

Last chase, best wander up and takes some snaps…


Berlin Six Day 2017
A sore one. Photo©Ed Hood

The Aussie lands right at my feet; as our pal, ace photog Wessel van Keuk says: “if you don’t take the picture, someone else will.”

Looks like a broken collar bone to me – and later it was confirmed; he had an operation the next morning, we wish him a speedy recovery.

Berlin Six Day 2017
Lap-taking wasn’t seen much in Berlin. Photo©Ed Hood

The Austrians win the chase after taking a lap – a rare occurrence in this race.

Time for our final toastie and beer of the race – it’s the mad breenge to Rostock after tomorrow night’s chase…

Day Six

Berlin Six Day 2017
Nate Koch’s new steed. Photo©Ed Hood

Nate’s got a new bike, he bought Max Levy’s Look; Dirk Dekeyser had to give him a wee hand to set the bars up – they’re beautiful bikes but not for the amateur mechanic.

Berlin Six Day 2017
Katie again. Photo©Ed Hood

I’m a bag of nerves now, reputation on the line, Katie just asked me to push her off in the Derny – Jings!

Berlin Six Day 2017
British lads Stewart and Wright win the U19 series. Photo©Ed Hood

She’s already won the De’il – and it’s a good night for GB with the U19 lads Jake Stewart and Freddy Wright winning their series overall.

No plaudits for GB in the Team De’il though – where Alex’s partner, Casper Pedersen – Alex reckons it was down to a bit of erratic riding by the GB boys – it happens when men get tired.

Forstemann beats Levy in the flying lap; maybe someone should explain to Big Max about Gary Glitter – “Wanna be in my gang?” blasts as he winds that Look up.

Berlin Six Day 2017
Roger and Judith Kluge. Photo©Ed Hood

Visitors – Giro stage and Rotterdam Six Day winner, Roger Kluge, looking sharp with his lovely wife Judith who used to work as a soigneur at the Six Days with us.

Roger is just back from Australia where he did sterling lead out for Caleb Ewan who was on a win orgy down there.

Tanned, tall and fit he looks every inch the star.

Longest lap – ’nuff said.

Berlin Six Day 2017
Did Senft. Photo©Ed Hood

And best give Didi a name check – you have to appreciate the man’s attention to detail, check out his ‘velodrome’ trident…

Berlin Six Day 2017
Berlin retains the large bikes for the motor-pacing events. Photo©Ed Hood

The big motors growl round – the crowd love it but touble is the riders all look about as old as me.

Ladies’ Derny and I have to jog over to take up my role as Katie’s pusher-off.

She doesn’t look comfortable behind the wee horror and sure enough, loses the wheel – something which surely cost her the overall win in the ladies Omnium, which was their format tonight.

Berlin Six Day 2017
The ladies’ podium. Photo©Ed Hood

Ladies World Champion, Amelie Dideriksen took the overall in that.

Derny – Nico and Achim win – wow! Flowers in our cabin!

Ladies’ points and I’ll have to think of new angles for ‘Katie pics’ – she just keeps on winning.

Berlin Six Day 2017
The last madison saw little actual action. Photo©Ed Hood

Last chase – I said it all at the start, a boring procession.

Like Dirk said; ‘Terrible!

Berlin Six Day 2017
Ed and Kris get the van loaded for the next Six Day. Photo©Ed Hood

How far to Rostock and the ferry to Denmark, Boss?

Ed Hood
Ed Hood
Ed's been involved in cycling for over 50 years. In that time he's been a successful time triallist, a team manager and a sponsor of several teams and clubs. He's also a respected and successful coach and during the winter months was often working in the cabins at the Six Days for some of the world's top riders. Ed remains a massive fan of the sport and couples his extensive contacts with an inexhaustible enthusiasm for the minutiae and the history of our sport. In February 2023 however, our dear friend and beloved colleague Ed suffered a devastating stroke and faces an uncertain future; Ed has lost his ability to speak, to read, and has lost movement on the right side of his body. He's working with speech and physical therapists on rehabilitation, but all strokes are different and each patient responds differently, so unfortunately recovery is one day at a time. Ed ran his own business installing windows, and will probably not be able to work again. Please consider joining us to make a contribution to Ed's GoFundMe page to help stabilise and secure his future.

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