Saturday, July 27, 2024

Paul Kimmage, Part 2: “It wouldn’t take much – just a bit of honesty”


HomeInterviewsPaul Kimmage, Part 2: "It wouldn't take much - just a bit...

Yesterday we revisited our Paul Kimmage interview from August 2006 and promised a reprise of another chat that Ed had with Paul, this time when they were both working at last year’s Tour de France.

In this interview Kimmage talks about Contador, Voekler, and Landis, and reaffirms his belief that the sport needs a “branch and root” clearout – a view shared by more and more people who are demonstrating their support by donating to the fund setup to support Kimmage in defending himself against the UCI, Pat McQuaid and Hein Verbruggen, who are suing Kimmage for defamation in the Swiss courts in December.

Contribute at Chipin (uses PayPal) to the Paul Kimmage Fund

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First published August 2011

If you’re a rider, you’ve have had issues with ‘les vitamines’ and Paul Kimmage turns up at your press conference, best ask for a brandy to sip, forget that Vittel.

Kimmage is the man who wrote ‘The Rough Ride’, an exposé of his experiences as a young ‘green as grass’ young pro and his flirtations with ‘the needle.’

In light of the Festina, Telekom, Landis and Hamilton scandals it’s a little tame – but when it was published it caused a real stir.

In the last few years Kimmage’s name has been writ large in Lance’s ‘black book’ as his least favourite journo – and that’s saying something.

The Irishman gave Alberto Contador a bit of a rough ride at one of the early Tour press conferences this year – asking the Spaniard why every team he’s ever ridden for has been involved in a drug scandal.

We caught up with the man who shoots from the hip on the day of the Galibier stage at this year’s Tour de France.

Paul Kimmage
Paul Kimmage, July 2011, France.

What do you think of the Tour this year, Paul?

“Absolutely fabulous, the best I’ve seen and I’ve been watching since I was 10-years-old.

“Maybe ’89 was the best ever but this one has been great, very credible.”

And clean?

“You’re never 100% sure but the performances of Voeckler, Rolland, the other French riders and Garmin all send out good signals.

“Seeing the favourites in a state of exhaustion drives home the fact that we were watching an absolute circus through the 90’s – something I’ve been saying for a long time.

The hero of this year’s Tour – a sign of a clean July?

What’s your view on the Italian Federation excluding riders from their national champs and Worlds team if they have ‘previous?’

“There should be a price you pay for doping, just now the price is too light; some of them are serving their two year ban and come swanning back again to earn good money.

“That’s one of the sanctions which could encourage other riders not to slip.

Alessandro Petacchi won’t be contesting any more World Championships for Italy as a result of previous doping sanctions.

What’s your view on the biological passport and whereabouts systems?

“The passport is a step in the right direction, but it’s too subjective, you can’t trust the UCI – it’s very clear that there was one rule for Lance and one for all the other riders.

“The whereabouts is good, but it has to be the same for all riders.

“The ‘no needles’ policy is a good one, but all of these measures have to be kept on top of – they can’t be allowed to regress.”

Does this Tour vindicate the tight controls the French apply to their riders?

“The French had their noses rubbed in it for ten years after Festina – but now their riders are getting a shot at it.”

Paul Kimmage
Remember when it all began?

You’re not happy that Contador is riding?

“No, the Spanish Federation should not make the decision – do you think that if Sean Kelly had failed a test, back in his hey day, the Irish Federation would have banned him?

“He wouldn’t have served a single day!

“It’s too parochial, it’s shouldn’t be down to the UCI – McQuaid and Verbruggen should resign, there’s currently no accountability.

“The decisions should be with WADA, not the UCi.

Paul Kimmage
Alberto Contador…where to begin?”

You’ve interviewed Floyd Landis and say you’re convinced by him – it would be difficult to accept him as a reliable witness.

“I could lie about something for ten years and then finally tell the truth – it doesn’t mean it’s not the truth.

“He confirmed a lot of the information that we’d heard already from others; but he gave us the detail, explained why it was done – dates, times, places.

Paul Kimmage
Kimmage’s interview with Floyd Landis was one of the more riveting cycling-related pieces we’ve read in recent times.

Have you spoken to Tyler Hamilton?

“No, but nothing he said surprised me.”

Lance; isn’t he too much of a symbol of the USA ever to be allowed to fall?

“He’s too damaged, when David Walsh wrote from ‘Lance to Landis’ it wasn’t a problem; and all the rest was over here in Europe.

Paul Kimmage
“But Hamilton’s appearance on ’60 Minutes’ brought it into his own front room – that show has a lot of credibility in the USA.”

Doesn’t cycling make it too hard for itself compared to other sports, with all this control?

“You tell me another sport which has seen 20 to 25 young men die in recent years, and then I’ll accept that it needs less control.

“You don’t die from other sports; if my son goes into cycling I want to know that it’s safe and clean.”

And doesn’t the cycling media make too much of a meal of every ‘drugs scandal?’

“Either something is wrong or it isn’t – I think in cycling we have better journos than in track and field when you look at what goes on there.”

Paul Kimmage
The success of the Garmin-Cervelo team at the Tour de France this year is a sign of the cleaning up of cycling according to Kimmage.

We really only see you at the Tour…

“I work for the Sunday Times, they decide where I go and who I interview – after the Tour, I interview Lewis Hamilton’s father.

“And as far as my newspaper goes the Tour de France is the only bike race that exists.

“But cycling is my passion, my area of expertise.”

What would you change in cycling?

“I’d get a big broom and I’d sweep out Riis, Bruyneel, Kim Andersen . . .

“. . . then I’d sit down with all the other DS’s and go for a root and branch change in mindset.

“Get McQuaid and Verbruggen out, get the policies like ‘no needles’ in place.

“It wouldn’t take much – just a bit of honesty.”

Ed Hood
Ed Hood
Ed's been involved in cycling for over 50 years. In that time he's been a successful time triallist, a team manager and a sponsor of several teams and clubs. He's also a respected and successful coach and during the winter months was often working in the cabins at the Six Days for some of the world's top riders. Ed remains a massive fan of the sport and couples his extensive contacts with an inexhaustible enthusiasm for the minutiae and the history of our sport. In February 2023 however, our dear friend and beloved colleague Ed suffered a devastating stroke and faces an uncertain future; Ed has lost his ability to speak, to read, and has lost movement on the right side of his body. He's working with speech and physical therapists on rehabilitation, but all strokes are different and each patient responds differently, so unfortunately recovery is one day at a time. Ed ran his own business installing windows, and will probably not be able to work again. Please consider joining us to make a contribution to Ed's GoFundMe page to help stabilise and secure his future.

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