Saturday, July 27, 2024

Berlin Six Day 2012 – Day Five and Berlin Six Day Bikes


HomeDiariesBerlin Six Day 2012 - Day Five and Berlin Six Day Bikes

It’s gone 1:00AM here and I thought we could have a look at the Berlin Six Day Bikes; the Dernys buzz their ‘Ipcress’ noise, Brad eases down off the fence, he takes the sling off Jackie, tucks in behind the little monster and Mr. Simes is done for the night.

Berlin Six Day Bikes
The Aussie Champions are a class act.

Brad has 25 laps to go with just a few knots of hardcore fans in the stands to watch him — and the drinkers in the track centre, naturally.

That’s the first time this week the driver hasn’t ripped the legs off me!’ says Jackie as he gets ready for the dash to the cabin, a shower and then the peace of the hotel room.

Brad says the same — a good night for the men from the land where the madison was invented, then.

They held their own in the chases and however hard the race there’s still good banter in the cabin.

Berlin Six Day Bikes
Robert Bengsch checks out Franco Marvulli during a madison’s bell lap. Photo©John young

And for Kris and the runner it’s our last washing of the Six Day, tonight; always good reason to have a beer.

Berlin Six Day Bikes
Franco puts his feet up, something Ed and Kris are looking forward to. Photo©Ed Hood

If you done a few Sixes over a winter it can all get a bit familiar and you can end up taking it for granted.

But tonight as I waited at the start line for Franco with his helmet, glasses and mitts at the ready as he and Silvan rode their lap of honour as race leaders, ‘Stand Up For The Champions’ hammered out, I looked up at the amazing steel roof which covers the track, took in the lights, the track centre ViP lounge, the bars, the crowded stands and thought to myself that for all the potato chases, politics and pompous people who inhabit this world, there’s still nothing quite like a Six Day.

Berlin Six Day Bikes
Franco focuses on the rear wheel of the Derny motorbike. Photo©John Young

Somehow I missed the fact that Robert Forstemann broke the track record last night — 12.702.

Berlin Six Day Bikes
Some legs, eh? Forstermann is quite a specimen. Photo©Ed Hood

But the crowd go crazy for all the sprinters’ rides, I don’t speak German and I have four riders to look after – so maybe it’s not such a surprise that I didn’t take it on board

Kris extracted that nugget from the paper for me, they do the race proud — three colour pages each day.

Berlin Six Day Bikes
What the paper says.

I made the amateur runner mistake of putting the wrong jersey on Silvan when I changed him, he’s black number but I gave him one of Franco’s reds.

In the early days I’d have panicked and worried about it all night, but now I just offer up my bum for Silvan to take a kick at — it’s a big target.

Berlin Six Day Bikes
Silvan gets flung in, and wearing the correct jersey! Photo©Ed Hood

The German Olympic team for London was presented tonight; if it’s down to leg size then they have the team sprint won already, Enders’ and Forstemann’s legs beggar belief.

Berlin Six Day Bikes
Stefan Nimke is an impressive presence. Photo©Ed Hood
Berlin Six Day Bikes
Roger Kluge is on the squad too — he’s looking good, tall, slim, tanned and has invested well in hair care products to top it all off. Photo©Ed Hood
Berlin Six Day Bikes
Roger raps to all and sundry. Photo©Ed Hood

We had a bit of a panic in the first chase, we thought Brad was coming in for a drink but it was actually to drop the nose of his saddle.

He had found himself sliding forward in the chases and raised his saddle nose a little; but half way through the madison found himself in discomfort and had to zoom in for a couple of turns of the allen key.

Berlin Six Day Bikes
Brad, sliding forward. Photo©Ed Hood

There were two chases, neither of which was particularly noteworthy — the crowd gets much more vocal for the sprinters and particularly, the stayers.

Berlin Six Day Bikes
The big motors. Photo©Ed Hood

A stayers race is a big production, it takes an age to get the pace bikes in the right order for the riders’ line up and the big BMWs have been roaring forever before the gun fires and the race actually starts.

There’s no way you could follow it from the cabins, it demands attention but has the whole crowd on their feet; the finale has the kids putting their hands over their ears as the drivers open the throttles, the speaker roars above the exhaust noise and crowd show their approval.

Berlin Six Day Bikes
You need a fast lens to catch these guys. Photo©Ed Hood

Some of the top dogs pop by the cabin; ‘that’s cool the guys are coming by to chat,’ I say to Brad.

But I should have known better; ‘they came by to tell us where they thought we were going wrong in the chase!’ responds Brad, before it’s time for him to worship at the altar of Derny.

Berlin Six Day Bikes
Meadowbank Track League gears! Sort of. Photo©Ed Hood

And on the subject of hardware, I thought I better give you a wee look at what’s new on the block.

Cam Meyer rides the new Bike Technologies ‘Stealth’ prototype — a flat top tube; new, more aero seat cluster; aerofoil section seat pillar, and fresh fork crown treatment are the main visible differences.

Berlin Six Day Bikes
Cam Meyer’s Stealth Proto. Photo©Ed Hood

The bike retains the back end of the old Stealth complete with massive demountable rear ends and has been developed especially for the team pursuit — but sprint athletes will ride it too.

Berlin Six Day Bikes
The new has the same ends as the old. Photo©Ed Hood
Berlin Six Day Bikes
And there’s a new carbon crankset to go with it too. Hopefully we’re between changing rings here, or Cam had a potential problem. Photo©Ed Hood
Berlin Six Day Bikes
Cam’s seat cluster. Pretty trick. Photo©Ed Hood
Berlin Six Day Bikes
Cam’s spare bike – his ‘old’ stealth. Photo©Ed Hood

Nimke the sprinter rides a Stevens, the Hamburg based company have long made nice cyclo-cross machines.

Berlin Six Day Bikes
Nimke’s Stevens Arena. Photo©Ed Hood

Stevens’ ‘Arena’ track model looks the part, complete with 3T aero bars which Peter Schep actually rides on his bunch bike.

Berlin Six Day Bikes
Nimke’s Bars. Photo©Ed Hood

In the aero vein, BMC have gone down the Look ‘external steerer’ route but dispensed with the practical but not bonnie adjustable stem set up.

Berlin Six Day Bikes
They’ve opted for a ‘shark fin’ which allows a certain amount of adjustment via an eccentric handlebar clamp — love it or hate it. Photo©Ed Hood
Berlin Six Day Bikes
The BMC Time Machine. Photo©Ed Hood

Our boy Silvan Dillier and fellow Suisse, Alexander Aeschbach ride them – Alex loves his and has the new Syntace carbon bars on board just to give his bike a really futuristic look.

Berlin Six Day Bikes
Alex’s Syntace carbon bars. Photo©Ed Hood

Roger Kluge’s Felt also boasts ‘external’ steering but the extension really isn’t neat — some sort of clip on cover would tidy it all up.

Berlin Six Day Bikes
Kluge’s Felt. Photo©Ed Hood
Berlin Six Day Bikes
The stem on the Felt could be, dare we suggest, a little sleeker. Photo©Ed Hood

But the interesting thing about the Felt is that they’ve gone completely away from the fashion of ultra tight fork crowns; there’s a lot of space around the front tyre on the principle that you let the air flow through and over the down tube, rather than around the crown.

Berlin Six Day Bikes
Felt designers challenge conventional time trialling wisdom that ‘narrower is better’. Photo©Ed Hood

Joerg, his mechanic tells me that they’ve tested it in two different wind tunnels and the results show a big improvement on the current ‘slim’ designs.

I can hear you testers gnashing your teeth when you read this.

Danny Stam’s old Giant war horses will be going out to pasture soon, but they still look the biz.

Berlin Six Day Bikes
Danny’s Giants. On an eBay page near you soon perhaps. We’d have one, no question. Photo©Ed Hood

There are one or two riders lucky enough to be on Lightweight wheels; Franco remains loyal to his Xentis.

Berlin Six Day Bikes
Lightweight and lovely, but expensive. Photo©Ed Hood
Berlin Six Day Bikes
Franco’s Xentis wheels. Photo©Ed Hood
Berlin Six Day Bikes
The Mavic five spoke is still the ‘fastest front wheel in the world’ and a snip at 2,000 Euros plus. Photo©Ed Hood
Berlin Six Day Bikes
But if aero is your thing, then HED is the way to go, check out how the rim is just that little bit wider than the tyre, again smoothing the air flow. Photo©Ed Hood

One day, we’ll get tired of talking about bicycles – but it won’t be soon.

Anyway, Tuesday is day six, pay day, there’s no washing after the race — and I get a hotel room in Copenhagen.

What’s that?

“You still have 200 K to drive through the night to Rostock, catch the ferry across the Baltic then 260 K from the ferry to Copenhagen?”

Mere details!

Berlin Six Day Bikes
Brad Huff’s view of the world. Photo©Ed Hood

Berlin Six Days - Results from Day Five


1. Nr. 2 LAMPATER / KLUGE 10 Pkt.
1. Nr. 14 MATZKA / REINHARDT 10 Pkt.
3. Nr. 1 HOWARD / MEYER 7 Pkt.
5. Nr. 4 KEISSE / DE KETELE 4 Pkt.
6. Nr. 5 BOMMEL / MERTENS 3 Pkt.
6. Nr. 12 MASOTTI / CICCONE 3 Pkt.
6. Nr. 16 KAIKOW / KRASNOW 3 Pkt.
9. Nr. 3 MARVULLI / DILLIER 2 Pkt.
9. Nr. 7 STAM / BLAHA 2 Pkt.
9. Nr. 13 HUFF / SIMES 2 Pkt.
12. Nr. 6 SCHRöDER / THöMEL 1 Pkt.
12. Nr. 8 BARTH / MOHS 1 Pkt.
14. Nr. 9 BENGSCH / KALZ
14. Nr. 10 GRAF / MüLLER


1. Nr. 9 BENGSCH / KALZ 20 Pkt.
2. Nr. 2 LAMPATER / KLUGE 12 Pkt.
3. Nr. 1 HOWARD / MEYER 10 Pkt.
4. Nr. 4 KEISSE / DE KETELE 8 Pkt.
5. Nr. 14 MATZKA / REINHARDT 6 Pkt.
6. Nr. 5 BOMMEL / MERTENS 4 Pkt.
8. Nr. 13 HUFF / SIMES
9. Nr. 7 STAM / BLAHA
10. Nr. 6 SCHRöDER / THöMEL
11. Nr. 8 BARTH / MOHS
15. Nr. 10 GRAF / MüLLER


1. Nr. 9 BENGSCH / KALZ 37 Pkt. 20
2. Nr. 15 RATAJCZYK / AESCHBACH 13 Pkt. 12
3. Nr. 6 SCHRöDER / THöMEL 12 Pkt. 10
4. Nr. 5 BOMMEL / MERTENS 11 Pkt. 8
5. Nr. 8 BARTH / MOHS 10 Pkt. 6
6. Nr. 4 KEISSE / DE KETELE 8 Pkt. 4
7. Nr. 13 HUFF / SIMES 7 Pkt.
8. Nr. 10 GRAF / MüLLER 5 Pkt.
9. Nr. 16 KAIKOW / KRASNOW 3 Pkt.
10. Nr. 14 MATZKA / REINHARDT 2 Pkt.
11. Nr. 1 HOWARD / MEYER 1 Pkt.
11. Nr. 7 STAM / BLAHA 1 Pkt.

Derny 1

1. Nr. 4 KEISSE / DE KETELE 10 Pkt.
2. Nr. 2 LAMPATER / KLUGE 8 Pkt.
3. Nr. 1 HOWARD / MEYER 6 Pkt.
4. Nr. 3 MARVULLI / DILLIER 4 Pkt.
5. Nr. 9 BENGSCH / KALZ 2 Pkt.
6. Nr. 8 BARTH / MOHS
8. Nr. 10 GRAF / MüLLER

Derny 2

1. Nr. 12 MASOTTI / CICCONE 10 Pkt.
2. Nr. 7 STAM / BLAHA 8 Pkt.
3. Nr. 14 MATZKA / REINHARDT 6 Pkt.
4. Nr. 6 SCHRöDER / THöMEL 4 Pkt.
5. Nr. 13 HUFF / SIMES 2 Pkt.

Berlin Six Days - Standings after Five Days

1. Nr. 4 KEISSE / DE KETELE 58 Pkt.
2. Nr. 2 LAMPATER / KLUGE 56 Pkt.
@ 1 Lap
3. Nr. 9 BENGSCH / KALZ 52 Pkt
4. Nr. 1 HOWARD / MEYER 41 Pkt.
5. Nr. 3 MARVULLI / DILLIER 26 Pkt.
@ 2 Laps
6. Nr. 5 BOMMEL / MERTENS 19 Pkt.
@ 3 Laps
7. Nr. 14 MATZKA / REINHARDT 28 Pkt.
9. Nr. 10 GRAF / MüLLER 4 Pkt.
@ 4 Laps
10. Nr. 12 MASOTTI / CICCONE 13 Pkt.
11. Nr. 7 STAM / BLAHA 10 Pkt.
12. Nr. 8 BARTH / MOHS 7 Pkt.
@ 5 Laps
13. Nr. 6 SCHRöDER / THöMEL 15 Pkt.
14. Nr. 13 HUFF / SIMES 4 Pkt.
@ 6 Laps
15. Nr. 16 KAIKOW / KRASNOW 3 Pkt.

Berlin Six Day Bikes
A full house every night – this is one Six that hopefully won’t have to fight to survive. Photo©Ed Hood
Ed Hood
Ed Hood
Ed's been involved in cycling for over 50 years. In that time he's been a successful time triallist, a team manager and a sponsor of several teams and clubs. He's also a respected and successful coach and during the winter months was often working in the cabins at the Six Days for some of the world's top riders. Ed remains a massive fan of the sport and couples his extensive contacts with an inexhaustible enthusiasm for the minutiae and the history of our sport. In February 2023 however, our dear friend and beloved colleague Ed suffered a devastating stroke and faces an uncertain future; Ed has lost his ability to speak, to read, and has lost movement on the right side of his body. He's working with speech and physical therapists on rehabilitation, but all strokes are different and each patient responds differently, so unfortunately recovery is one day at a time. Ed ran his own business installing windows, and will probably not be able to work again. Please consider joining us to make a contribution to Ed's GoFundMe page to help stabilise and secure his future.

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