Saturday, July 27, 2024

Le Tour de France 2009 – Stage 10: Limoges > Issoudun, 194.5km


HomeDiariesLe Tour de France 2009 - Stage 10: Limoges > Issoudun, 194.5km

I didn’t think that Cav could win the Primavera now, after today’s display in Limoges, I think that he can do pretty much anything he puts his mind to within the scope of his physical characteristics. He can win the green jersey on the Champs Elysees in Le Tour de France, Paris – Tours and the Worlds too-when the parcours suits him.

Paris – Tours and the Worlds too — when the parcours suits him.

Cav wins Stage 10, before saluting his sunglasses, or something.

That said, stage win number three was no surprise I didn’t see it myself and had to rely on Vik updates… don’t worry, I’ll spare you.

Suffice to say that Samuel Dumoulin may be creeping up to challenge Davide Moncoutie’s status as ‘Vik’s least fave coureur.

This one’s for Viktor – Samuel Dumoulin.

It’s 9:30 pm and I haven’t done my Pez interview for the day, yet. Tonight is Scott McGrory — ex-Olympic champ and six day star, who now works for the Australian Fox TV sports channel.

Dave and I bumped into him at the Giro and I thought his would be a good view to get as le Tour approaches half way.

Scott McGrory interviews the great Eddy Merckx for Fox TV.

The trouble is, on the Tour normal time frames don’t exist —you do what has to be done, when you need to do it and often end up scraping about for restaurants at ‘dark o’clock.’

It was like that for Scott tonight he had just sat down to dinner at 10:00 CET I have to phone at 11:00 CET — being an 05:30 alarm man, that’s getting late for me.

There was more colour in the Guardian again today, and gossip that Lance will ride next year’s Tour before coming back with team Nike/Livestrong/Trek/SRAM to win in 2011 as DS if he’s not too busy with running Texas by then, that is.

Meanwhile, the gossip from the other side of the Astana Gorge is that Bert is headed for a new outfit in 2010 — Banco Santander (so, that’s where all our dosh went!).

This is surprising news I thought Contador would be with Johan and Lance until it was time to ride his farewell criterium circus around Spain, in about eight years time.

And Nocentini rolls on, serenely, in yellow — respect, Rinaldo.

Nocentini just keeps his head down and lets Astana do the talking.

But Big Brad missed a split and dropped 15 seconds to go seventh, I’m intrigued to see how the big chap will do in the Alps.

Brad must be hoping to stay in touch with the capo’s in the Alps and do something in the Time Trial on?

OK, gotta bell that man en France, au demain!

Tour 09 Stage 10 Map.
Tour 09 Stage 10 Profile.

* * *

Al Hamilton

Calma tensa” are the headlines above a nice picture of Tour leader Rinaldo Nocentini enjoying his day off with a “capuccino” outside a traditional café in Limoges.

On the same page is a photo of Contador and Armstrong out riding – and again Lance wears his own kit, mmm so I wonder what that tells you of team solidarity?

AS reports that Bert and La are okay with each other.

The talk is of Hollywood and the films that could come out of the Tour. Matt Damon would be the star to play the life of Armstrong and Contador would be Tobey McGuire, well, whatever!

Alberto Contador held a press conference yesterday and said (again) that he has no problem with Armstrong, they all travel in the bus together etc.

Alberto said “I can’t win the Tour solo, I need a team”. Where will the race be decided? Contador – “in the Alps and on Friday to Colmar, also Sunday in Verbier and the day of the Grand Bornard and La Colombiére. The time trial to Annécy and the Mont Ventoux are the keys”. Who are your rivals? “Andy Schleck and Evans, and Sastre has great experience”.

Alonso and Contador hooking up?

On the Formula 1 page there was a photo of Fernando Alonso out on his Colnago with Carlos Sastre and speculation that his present sponsor Banco Santander would be having a ProTour team built around Alberto Contador.

No-one is confirming or denying the rumour, but it is not just a plan but a project in motion, said manager Luis Garcia-Abad. The boss of the bank, Emilio Botin is said to have a good relationship with the bike champion.

Friday’s stage to Colmar seems to be everyone favourite for action. “Va a ser un dia peligroso” confirmed Evans that it will be a dangerous day. Andy Schleck says “nothing has been decided” so he will be looking for action as will Sastre, who has not given up, but said it will be difficult for him to win this Tour.

So a stage without radios has not gone down very well, riders’ president Jens Voigt has suggested a day without helmets or brake cables! The organisers of La Vuelta a Esapña have said there will not be any experiment on their race…

Roll on the Tour!
Hasta mañana, Al.

Ed Hood and Martin Williamson
Ed Hood and Martin Williamson
Ed and Martin, our top team! They try to do the local Time Trials, the Grand Tours and the Classics together to get the great stories written, the quality photos taken, the driving done and the wifi wrestled with.

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