Saturday, July 27, 2024

Welcome to the New VeloVeritas Design!


HomeOtherEditorialWelcome to the New VeloVeritas Design!

Happy Birthday to us!

We find it hard to believe, but VeloVeritas is three years old today, and so to celebrate, I’ve carried out a complete overhaul of the site over the last number of months, bringing the design more up-to-date, and changing the layout to make it much easier for you to find the articles you’re looking for, or discover something of interest whilst you’re just browsing. Welcome to the new VeloVeritas Design!

For Ed and I though, one of the biggest things is that we’re now able to update the site from wherever in the world we happen to be – which means you’ll be reading the same timely updates that we’ve always tried to deliver, but we will be much less fraught in bringing them to you!

I’ve also added a Comments feature on the articles, which means you can: respond directly: with your feedback, or contribute to: a discussion that’s underway.

I hope you like the new design, and I’d be very happy to hear your thoughts – you can email us or complete the Contact form, or leave a Response directly below – whichever is easiest.

Those New Features

  • Search the entire site contents, both words and pictures, by typing your search string into the box at the top right of the sight and hitting the enter key.
New VeloVeritas Design
  • I’ve added a Tag Cloud, which shows the relative numbers of articles sharing the same keywords.
New VeloVeritas Design
  • Comment on any article and offer feedback or start a discussion, simply by completing the fields at the bottom of the article.
New VeloVeritas Design
  • Subscribe to feeds – you’ll find RSS and Atom Syndication on the site, which means you can receive updates with our new articles as we publish them. You can subscribe to all our Articles or Articles in a certain Category, to a particular Author, or to Comments.
New VeloVeritas Design
  • You can now Browse our articles by Month or by Day, by Author, or by Category.
New VeloVeritas Design
  • Quickly Bookmark or Share stories with others, through the AddThis button at the bottom of each article.
New VeloVeritas Design
  • To print out an article without the site formatting, switch the page to “Printer-Friendly” mode with a click of your mouse.
  • Contact Us by completing our simple and secure form.
  • We have some new sections such as Equipment Reviews and Training tips – we’ll be bringing you much more of these types of articles thoughout the year.

The story so far

Our first article back in June 2006 was an interview with the late and much-missed Jason MacIntyre, who had just won the British 25 Mile TIme Trial Championship.

In fact, Jason’s success was something that Ed wanted to write lots about and was one of the catalysts for the site being setup.

The first version of the site was done by a friend of Ed’s, and provided a platform for the numerous pieces that he was writing.

New VeloVeritas Design
Our original design by Bill Myerscough.

After a few months Martin joined the team, and one of the first things on the To Do list was to better structure the large amount of content that was building up, and organise things to make it easier for us and the readers to find and to navigate.

The result was the site design that we’ve been using for the last couple of years.

New VeloVeritas Design
In early 2007, Martin updated the design.

With this latest revision, the site now contains more of the features that our readers expect , and as mentioned above, we can now update the site directly from the races, which will save us a lot of time and means you’ll see race results that much quicker.

you’ll have noticed we’ve changed our name to VeloVeritas too – ‘the truth about bike racing’…

We hope you like the new VeloVeritas site and find it the big improvement that we do.

Thanks for your support over the last three years and here’s to a many more!

Martin Williamson
Martin Williamson
Martin is our Editor and web site Designer/Manager and concentrates on photography. He's been involved in cycle racing for over four decades and raced for much of that time, having a varied career which included time trials, road and track racing, and triathlons. Martin has been the Scottish 25 Mile TT and 100 Mile TT Champion, the British Points Race League Champion on the track, and he won a few time trials in his day, particularly hilly ones like the Tour de Trossachs and the Meldons MTT.

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