Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Grenoble Six Day 2006 – Second Night


HomeDiariesGrenoble Six Day 2006 - Second Night
Grenoble Six Day 2006
Alex surfs the net – note the war wounds.

17.45: Where did the day go? They are playing Puccini over the stadium PA, the folies girls are rehearsing their routine here at the Grenoble Six Day 2006, you would have to be here to appreciate it, but it’s awesome.

The juniors are whizzing past, best keep away from the bottom of the track, last year they were sliding about the boards on their bums like there’s no tomorrow.

We didn’t waken until 11.20, that must be the latest I’ve slept in my life.

A quick shower then it was my trip to the bakers for fresh baguettes, the guys were coming-in from the hotel as I was going out so there was no time to waste.

Once the guys were attacking their ham sandwiches it was sort and fold the jerseys time.

The electricity came back, so that was a bonus.

The jerseys sorted-out it was wash the floors in two of the cabins, then off to the Geant super market to stock-up on meat, chicken, lasagne, ham, cheese, bread, salad – and gateaux; it’s Franco’s birthday in a fortnight but he wants to start celebrating now.

The first thing I had to do when I got back from the supermarket was go to the mini-market to get the stuff we missed – milk and lemon juice for the salad. I sneaked a “presion” – cold beer in English – at a cafe when I was out, Kris has been a tad stressed the last two days, so it was nice to sit quietly in the sun and look at the mountains for five minutes.

Grenoble Six Day 2006
A runner’s work is never done.

Up to the track, and into the routine again: check the drinks and food, re-clean the pee-pail that Aeschbach used today – nice.

Rumours of a fall-out between him and Franco seem much exaggerated, but that’s the Sixes – they run ‘en rumeur’ (pardon my French) and gossip.

I was on wi-fi at lunchtime but can’t get connected now – it will need to be the internet cafe tomorrow to send my pictures, never mind.

18.45: Best nip down and check-out what’s happening below ground.

19.45: That’s the track side cabins organised. Word-is that the organisers want faster Madisons – I’m keeping back from those boards, last night was wild at the speeds they are moaning about.

Word also is that Bettini has to win something – it will have to be a Points, Scratch or Elimination – he looks like a coo with a gun in the Madisons.

Grenoble Six Day 2006

I tried to give Craig MacLean a hold-up and push in the Keirin, but some French dude was going to clatter down on the boards unless I grabbed him. Craig had to start off the balustrade; I gave him a good shove in the passing and it was our boy who took the flowers.

The 35 minute Madison passed without incident but Bettini really is toiling to find his track legs, he looks to be at war with his bike.

It’s 10.35. and the sprinters are on, the lap record is a 10.7 by Florian Rouseau, nobody here can break 11 seconds – I would like to have seen that 10.7 being done. We have all the classements now – Alex & Michael lead overall; Franco & Alexander Aeschbach lead on points with Jozi & Martin leading the combined clasification. It’s another blur of bikes, cabaret, changing jerseys and serving herbal tea to the guys until clean-up time around 1.30.

Now it’s 2.45 and bed time, like I said, where did that day go?