Saturday, July 27, 2024

Tag: The Girvan 2009

Gareth Montgomerie – Best Scot at Girvan

In our Girvan interviews with Evan Oliphant, Gary Hand and James McCallum, we mistakenly referred to Callum Wilkinson as 'best Scot at Girvan,'-we got that one wrong! We thought we'd best set things to rights with the man who actually was, 'best Scot at Girvan'-26 year-old Gareth Montgomerie of the Sigmasport-Specialized-Sportful Cycling Team.

The Girvan – Straight From The Riders

Ah, the Girvan-and VeloVeritas are right there, with Evan Oliphant (Plowman Craven) and Gary Hand (Endura) keeping us abreast of what's going on in South West Scotland.

At Random

Rory O’Reilly – on his Career and THAT Olympic Superbike

A wee while ago we chatted with Brent Emery (interview to follow), who rode one of the US team’s Raleigh ‘Super Bikes’ to ’84 Olympic silver, so it was only fair we caught up the man who rode the wildest bike which appeared at those Games; Rory O’Reilly.

Matt Walls – “I just want to see what I can do on the road”

During our recent interview with Fred Wright he mentioned that we should speak to Matt Walls next; as a reigning Olympic Champion he was 'due a good chat', and so we duly obliged.

Theo Hartley – Racing for Belgian team Illi Bikes, thanks to the Dave Rayner Fund

The David Rayner has been helping young riders realise their continental dreams since 1995 with David Millar one of the first to benefit, and Theo Hartley from Bolton in Lancs will be one of the grant recipients in 2018. He'll be joining the Belgian Illi Bikes squad, run by long term Six Day soigneur and track aficionado, Etienne Illegems and his son Ken who was for a time a mechanic with Team Sky but could get round a tough kermis on his good days.

Saunier Duval Team Launch 2007 – Day 2

Saunier Duval Team Launch 2007. I got my SRAM piece away first thing this morning then ambled down for breakfast and to see if I could find Virginie, she's the Saunier PR girl - I met her at the Tour - she's a nice lass. I asked about interviews; "maybe tonight, but certainly tomorrow."

Copenhagen Six Day 2011 – Day Five, The Final Sort-Out Begins

It's the last day of school today; the six day circus goes to ground until October when-God willing-we head south to Grenoble with its blue skies, snow capped mountains, Follies girls, great bread and French riders who smile, shake your hand and give you a 'ca va?' every time they see you-they may not be fast but they're nice guys. It's unlikely there will be any surprises tonight, Alex and Michael are well in charge; I hope that Jens and Marc hold on to second-they deserve it.

Karol Domagalski – Raleigh’s Pole takes the Drummond Trophy 2015

VeloVeritas didn't make it down to The Drummond Trophy; Norrie would never forgive us if we didn't pay some sort of tribute to his famous race. So it was our pleasure to contact the 2015 winner, Polish Raleigh man, Karol Domagalski to hear his story - it's a good one.