Saturday, January 18, 2025

Tag: Politics

Kathy Gilchrist – Scottish Cycling President on her First Year, and Beyond

It was December 2021 when we first had a word with Kathy Gilchrist, not long after she was elected President on a ticket of "giving back and making a difference", so we thought it would be a good time to hear how her first year in the job has gone, what's changed, and with Scotland hosting "the biggest cycling event ever" in late summer, what this year is going to bring.

Ian Whitehead – Talking Ukraine and it’s Riders

Englishman, ‘gone native Flandrian,’ Ian Whitehead has been involved with cycling for many years; he’s a stalwart of the Kingsnorth International Wheelers, a club with an English name but based in Belgium having Kiwi World Tour rider, Jack Bauer as perhaps it’s most famous son. Ian has close links with Ukraine and their riders, and knows the country well.

At Random

Meet “Velo Club Don Logan” – the Ill-Informed Podcasters

The three guys behind the blog and podcasting site "Velo Club Don Logan" may be 'foul-mouthed and ill-informed' (their words), but they're also nice lads and very entertaining too. After listening to the fantastic podcast of their interview with Graeme Obree - in which Graeme talks openly about previously unexplored aspects of his life and career - we had to find out more about this site and the men behind it, and we caught up with them recently to get a bit of background and to hear their plans... okay, there aren't any plans...