Saturday, July 27, 2024

Tag: CTT Sigma Sports Classic Series

Loch Ken Time Trial – Kyle Gordon Keeps his Form

On a day which was a total contrast to last Sunday’s Monifieth polar conditions; with warm sunshine and a gentle breeze, Kyle Gordon (RT23) showed us that perishing or pleasant, he’s the man to beat on the Scottish time trial scene. Averaging 28.796 mph around the rolling, scenic 26.3 mile Loch Ken Time Trial course in the fourth round of six in the CTT Sigma Sports Classic Series.

At Random

The VV View: Lance Armstrong Downfall – Good for Cycling or a Disaster?

The Lance Armstrong Downfall: King Pyrrhus of Epirus gained a victory over the Romans in 279 BC at the battle of Asculum in Apulia. The Epiriotic forces, although they won the battle, suffered severe losses to the elite of their army. A Pyrrhic victory has come to be known as one which comes with a devastating cost.

Barry McGurk takes the Johnstone Wheelers CC 25 Mile Individual Time Trial 2006

Barry McGurk of the Glasgow Couriers ran away with the Johnstone Wheelers CC 25 Mile Individual Time Trial, nearly two minutes ahead of second placed Alan Dow, with Billy McFarlane third.

Alberto Contador – Tour de France Winner

Its not every day you get the chance to talk to a Tour de France winner, so when I received the invitation from Team Astana's press office to spend some time with Alberto Contador, I jumped at it. It meant an early rise and a couple of hours drive, but it was well worth it to see a Pro-Tour team at work and hear what the top man had to say.

Martyn Irvine – Two Silver Medals at the Glasgow UCI Track World Cup

One of the stars of the Glasgow World Cup endurance events was Martyn Irvine. Although better known as an omnium specialist, the 27 year old took silver medals in the scratch and pursuit.

Heiko Salzwedel – “the Goal is to Break 3’50” in London”

'The goal for the Russian team is to break the 3:50 barrier in the London Olympics.' The words of Heiko Salzwedel-over the last few years it's looked as if the 2012 Olympic team pursuit final would be a straight shoot out between GB and Australia.

Gary Wiggins – “Nobody messed with The Doc”

The tall, rawboned rider ambled across to the barrier; Gary Wiggins was broad and square across the shoulders, big-thighed and walked with a loose-limbed gait. His long legs made easy work of straddling the steel fence which separated the riders' enclosure from the paying public at the Gent six, back in the early 80's.