Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeOtherEditorialJohn Montgomery

John Montgomery


It’s becoming a bad habit of mine; meaning to catch up with old friends but leaving it too long.

Within days of us losing one of the younger pillars of Scottish cycle sport in Rab Wardell we also lost one of our elder statesmen in John Montgomery, another man who I’ve been, ‘meaning to catch up with,’ – sadly, too late. 

John Montgomery
John Montgomery with Rita in 2019. Photo©Steve McGinty

I got to know John and his wife Rita – an inseparable couple – through our mutual friend, Stewart Sutherland.

John and Stewart had raced together, ‘back in the day.’

John rode and finished the Tour of Scotland in the early 1960’s against Scottish legends like Norrie Drummond and Hugh McGuire.

He also rode the Tour of Britain Milk Race back then, against men like New Zealander Warwick Dalton, who was a Commonwealth Games medallist on the track and won stages in the Milk Race; British legend and Milk Race winner, Billy Holmes, and pursuit king, Hugh Porter.

John Montgomery
John Montgomery racing a 10 mile TT back in the day. Photo courtesy Harry Tweed

John was still successfully competing in Scottish veteran’s races up until the 1980’s – and in veterans’ races internationally, including Russia.

In the 80’s John would come to races like the British Hill Climb Championships to spectate with Stewart and I, he just loved the sport and being around bikes and bike riders.

He was a man who lived the old sales maxim of, ‘remember that you have two ears and just one mouth, stick with that ratio.’ 

He could spot patter merchants a mile away, he’d listen carefully and quietly to them; but once they were gone he’d deliver a succinct opinion on their baloney.

John and Rita Montgomery chat to Alan Hewitt and Tom Clark in 1986. Photo©Gordon Goldie

He used to have us in stitches with his tales of ‘drum up habbles,’ where his group of old cycling foxes would light a fire, drum their tea up and eat their sandwiches.

After a while, one of the group would pretend he was getting something from his saddlebag but would leap on to his bike and hammer off with the rest kicking the fire out, jumping on their bikes and setting off in hot pursuit. 

John loved all things Italian, buying Rita a lovely Colnago and himself mounted on an Olmo, I was glad to be able to help him with decals for that machine.

John and Rita were friends with an Italian cycling aficionado called Dante, he held the couple in high regard and they had a ‘granny flat’ for their use at Dante’s home – John loved his trips to la Bella Italia.

My favourite John anecdote is the one where, when he was courting Rita, he brought a box of Maltesers as a wee present for her dad.

Her father said that he never ate chocolates but John and Rita had a couple before they headed out for the cinema.

When they got back to Rita’s, her dad was in bed and Rita went to put the kettle on.

When Rita emerged from the kitchen, John announced; ‘your dad ate six of those sweeties.’

Rita rolled her eyes; ‘how the heck do you know that?’

To which John replied, deadpan; ‘I had them counted!

We enjoyed a laugh with John Montgomery and his lovely wife Rita whenever we saw them. Photo©Ed Hood

Our friend Harry Tweed broke the news of John’s passing to us:

“Sadly I have to post word that John (Monty) Montgomery has passed away.

“John, who originally hailed from Chryston was only ever a member of the Chryston Wheelers, from the late 1940’s until the club folded a few years ago.

“John raced for them from his early years right up until he reached veteran status. 

“John will be known to the younger generation from his presence at races with his wife, Rita spectating at time trials, road races and track races.

Rest in peace, John.”

With Gordon Goldie’s kind permission we reprint his tribute to John:

“I’ve known John and Rita since I was 15 years-old. 

“They were at our wedding 33 years ago, at our daughter’s funeral and at a hundred other things in between.

When you said ‘John and Rita’ to cyclists, you didn’t use a surname. Everybody knew who you meant straight away. They were always out and about, they were everywhere.

“Although 90 years-of-age, John was always interested in what was new in cycling from frames of steel to aluminium to carbon to electric bikes. 

“John was up on what was new in the shops, often long before it got to the UK outlets. He often spoke passionately about wheels in particular. He appreciated the craftsmanship that went into building something that was both lightweight and strong.

“I never, ever heard John raise his voice, and I never saw him without that big wide smile, even on hard days into the wind and snow – he was never without a joke. 

“I was about 18 or 19 years-old going round the coast on a Sunday run with the Renfrew bunch. It was blowing a hoolie, we were all soaked and I was not enjoying myself one bit. 

We got to the Largs cafe and John could see I was struggling. He said to me; ‘this time tomorrow, you’ll look back on this and laugh, but you’ll be stronger for it.

This became his catchphrase for me when we met, no matter what I was up to. 

That would be about 35 years ago, and funnily enough John would have been the age that I am today.

A good guy, who made the world a better place.

‘Amen’ to that, Gordon.

John Montgomery
John Montgomery, husband, cyclist, friend and person of great humour and humanity, rest in peace.

VeloVeritas extends condolences to his lovely wife Rita, his extended family and many friends.

* * *

Funeral Details
Tuesday 13th September
Service at 1:00pm at the Lynhurst Hotel, PA5 8LS
then to the cemetery, then back to Lynhurst.

Ed Hood
Ed Hood
Ed's been involved in cycling for over 50 years. In that time he's been a successful time triallist, a team manager and a sponsor of several teams and clubs. He's also a respected and successful coach and during the winter months was often working in the cabins at the Six Days for some of the world's top riders. Ed remains a massive fan of the sport and couples his extensive contacts with an inexhaustible enthusiasm for the minutiae and the history of our sport. In February 2023 however, our dear friend and beloved colleague Ed suffered a devastating stroke and faces an uncertain future; Ed has lost his ability to speak, to read, and has lost movement on the right side of his body. He's working with speech and physical therapists on rehabilitation, but all strokes are different and each patient responds differently, so unfortunately recovery is one day at a time. Ed ran his own business installing windows, and will probably not be able to work again. Please consider joining us to make a contribution to Ed's GoFundMe page to help stabilise and secure his future.

Ivor Reid

On Tuesday morning we awoke to the sad news that North of Scotland stalwart, Ivor Reid had died at just 57 years-of-age. Tragic. I wasn’t privileged to call Ivor a close personal friend but I knew the man for a long time; from the early 80’s and when we met there was always a warm hand shake and some good chat. When I saw pictures of him racing as a ‘Master’ on the track I always had to smile; the gear was always the best and right up to the minute - be it aero helmets, ‘keirin’ gloves, wheels, shoes, his enthusiasm and love for all things track cycling shone from those images.

Hugh McGuire

Hugh McGuire, who has died suddenly of a heart attack aged 71, was the Glasgow-born Scot who became one of the top UK cyclists in the 1960s, representing both Scotland and the British Army. He took part with the best of GB riders in the Tour of Britain / Milk Race era, winning stages - and in so doing following the wheels of a slightly older top gun, Jimmy Savile. McGuire became noticed, and in 1962 and 1963, was selected to travel behind the Iron Curtain to participate in the annual Berlin-Warsaw-Prague road race, the co-called Peace Race designed by the Soviets to bring together the world's top cyclists in reconciliation between Warsaw Pact countries and the West.

Roger Pingeon

Following the death in February of 1956 Tour de France winner, Roger Walkowiak, France lost another of her Tour winning sons today when the death was announced of 1967 winner, Roger Pingeon from a heart attack in the village of Beaupont, Ain. Born August 28th 1940 of farming stock in Hauteville-Lompnes in the Ain Departement, a strong 1964 independent season with a win in the Poly Lyon and second in the GP des France saw him win a contract with that most French of French professional teams, Peugeot for 1965.

RIP Peter Post. Outstanding Road and Trackman, Six Day Star, Manager Par-Excellence

With the news on Friday that Peter Post had died in Amsterdam at the age of 77 the sport lost one of it's Colossi. Born in Amsterdam in November 1933, the son of a butcher, he had a hard childhood growing up in Nazi occupied Holland. He turned professional in 1956 for Legendary Amsterdam bicycle makers RIH Sport; he would remain in the peloton until 1972 having ridden for some of the most famous teams in the history of cycle sport-Flandria, Faema, Solo-Superia and Willem 11.

Tony Doyle

Britain’s former World Track Champion Tony Doyle has died from pancreatic cancer at the age of 64, only four weeks after his cancer diagnosis.

In Memoriam, Palle Lykke

Friday 19th April was a sad day if you're a Six Day fan; Denmark's best-ever Six Day rider, Palle Lykke died in Belgium at 76 years-of-age. Born in Denmark in 1936 Lykke won 21 Six Days between 1958 and 1967 - Aarhus, Amsterdam, Antwerp, Berlin, Bremen, Brussels, Copenhagen, Dortmund, Frankfurt, London, Montreal, Munster and Zürich all fell to the handsome man from Ringe.

Phil Edwards

It was Phil Edwards’ friend and former team mate back in their amateur days, respected cycling photographer John Pierce who broke the sad news to us that the big man from Bristol, who won both the British Junior and Professional Road race Championships and was right hand man to Italian ‘campionissimo’ Francesco Moser at ‘super squadra’ Sanson for five seasons had died of a suspected heart attack at his home in Monaco on Sunday, April 23rd aged 67 – he was born 03:09:1949. Phil Edwards, British Champion, Olympian, respected member of an elite peloton, successful businessman and gentleman, rest in peace.

Richard Moore

On Tuesday morning, 29th March we received a ‘phone call from Roddy Riddle to tell us that Richard Moore had passed away on Sunday night. Richard Moore, racer, author, journalist, podcaster, son, father, husband, colleague, friend, rest in peace.