Wednesday, January 22, 2025

James McKay Blog – Season Ended by a Car


HomeJournalsASPTT Nancy's James McKayJames McKay Blog - Season Ended by a Car

Since the last round of the French cup, I’ve been training hard for the Tour of Moselle. The three-day stage race was my main target for the second half of the season. Unfortunately, my preparations were cut-short when I was hit by a car in training last week. Season Ended.

I seemed to get off lightly in comparison to my bike which was a write-off with the frame cracked.

season ended
Season Ended.

However, once the adrenaline of the accident had subsided it became clear that my left wrist (which I’d broken six months ago) was not happy.

I headed to the hospital for an X-ray.

After a lengthy and nervous wait, I was told that it was not broken, just badly sprained. This was relieving news, but it was apparent that it would still be the end of my season.

I would need to wear a removable cast for several weeks and put as little weight on it as possible. I said my goodbyes to my flatmate Yordan and the team before returning to the UK.  

Although not the fairy-tale ending to my year in France, I will only miss the last month of races and will now take my “off-season” earlier than expected. I’ll start training again in October for wherever 2020 will take me.

I may return for another season in Europe but that is yet to be decided.

I have had an incredible experience at ASPTT Nancy since February.

I would like to thank you for coming along for the ride, but for now this is the end of the road. 

Cheers, James.