Saturday, July 27, 2024

Training in Spain and early season Celtic Racing


HomeJournalstheBicycleWorks U25 TeamTraining in Spain and early season Celtic Racing

Since the last blog training has been great and on the 14th I headed for Spain with every intention of doing a good solid weeks training in the mountains around Benidorm, writes Lindsay Gordon.


I arrived Tuesday afternoon into Alicante and I am somewhat tired after the 4am start heading from Glasgow airport.

My afternoon is spent riding around the outskirts of benidorm and stopping for a coffee enjoying the much warmer climate that greeted me when I arrived off the plane.


Lindsay Gordon
View over Benidorm from Tarbena.

This day was my first big day. I intended to do 4hrs with some small gear efforts over the well known climb Col du Rates. I headed for the top, only for two Astana riders to wave me down saying that there was ice on the top and the decent was a little wet. I took the sensible option and headed back to a smaller climb and begin doing my efforts there, my legs are sore but I feel ok and end up with 4.5hr day under my belt.


Today was going to be no different as I again head for the Rates – this time it’s warm and dry, another 4.5hr day this time with big gear efforts on flatter roads around Benidorm.


Friday is cafe day and I have good chat with friends that are training out here at the same time.

Some of the Pro team riders are still: around with guys from Astana, GreenEDGE and Euskaltel, and our British pro team Rapha Condor Sharp all spotted in the first few days of being here.


I began early this morning with a pedal down into Benidorm to meet riders from Paisley’s Dooleys Race Team who arrived a few days before.

Rich Semple, Martin Lonie and the two Grieg Browns kept me company on the day’s 4hr ride, again taking in a few of the big climbs.

Everyone was going well and it was also great to be riding with guys I knew. That evening we made arrangments for something a bit longer the following day.

Lindsay Gordon
Our team bikes are Isaacs. Really nice.


On the road for 10am the sun was warm as we headed towards Denia and again saw our normal Pro Team riders on the way (life is good).

Today had been the hottest day since I arrived and the roads felt great. The lads were in good spirits and we attacked the climbs well and managed a very sold 5.5hrs today.

I sit down for food and welcome our: team boss to Spain! John Anderson has arrived just in time for a cafe ride on Monday! I head Tuesday morning to get ready to start my season in Ireland this weekend (25th).

To Ireland

On my arrival in ireland I am somewhat tired but decide on a easy few days of 2/3hour rides.

They both take me over hard roads in the Mourne Mountains in and around the race circuit for this weekend’s race, feeling a little empty from my Spanish camp, I am glad of the easier rides and by Friday I am feeling good.

First race of the year done, I eased myself into it today as did many others and after four laps with one to go everyone was still together.

I felt good so tried my arm at an attack off the front, 2o others jumped on the back of my wheel and off we went. After driving the break for 2/3km I asked for help but nothing was happening after conversations between us I became annoyed that the others wouldn’t help and kicked again, but within 500 metres of the line it was all over.

A very frustrating race that should have ended up with a result had got away. I am dissapointed with the outcome today but I know my legs are good and tomorrow I hope for a bit more in terms of luck and help!

Sunday’s race began with a flurry of attacks and became very uncomfortable when the team of EuroCycles hit the front not leaving the ‘gutter’ until 14 riders got away in the break of the day.

I managed to make the split and within 30k we had three minutes. I was part of the 14 guys in the move and with only five km to go I attacked with three others on my wheel, we got 10 seconds at best but were brought back with little over two km to go.

Another attack went straight away, I couldn’t respond and was just hanging onto the guys in front of me. I ended up with 11th on the day and with tired legs from day before I was more than happy.

I returned to Scotland with confidence and two races in my legs which I was hoping would set me up for the race the following weekend at Gifford, the first of the new season’s Scottish Series road races.


Gifford has arrived and the guys back together on the start line, great atmosphere surrounds the race and I am looking forward to starting the season with my new teamates.

Lindsay Gordon
Gordon and I head out for our warm up.

Five of us take the startline (Ali McNicol, Callum Wilkinson, Dale McCallum, Doulas Shaw and myself). The race doesn’t start well for us with Dougie breaking a chain and all of us missing the early move.

The day then becomes more and more frustrating with all of us trying to get away in different moves but with no success.

Lindsay Gordon
My teammate Ali McNicol. Photo©Martin Williamson

I am dissapointed with my ride after feeling flat all day I can only hope my legs return in the next couple of weeks and can start to get results.

The team is still in good spirit and can only get better for us after this weekend.

My up and coming events are two CDNW races down in North East of England and the Dick Longdragon up towards Aberdeen. I’ll keep you posted on the races and training in the next couple of weeks.

Oh, and congrats to Tom Arnstein for the win at Gifford – great ride.

Cheers, Lindsay

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